Ya sui has the meaning of overcoming the unpredictable future.
In the closeted world of satin and sequins that is Parisian haute couture, there is uncertainty about the future.
The skillful combination of the two provides a robust and nimble capacity to respond to the challenges of designing for unknowable futures.
We can take mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just as sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone.
The students are startled. They can hardly conceive of a career that was not preplanned. They can hardly imagine allowing the hand of God or chance to nudge them down some unforeseen trail.
All the way by Guan Ling Cun of block stone and gravel, gravel and wall transfer overgrown with moss, like a long green light time corridor, leading to unpredictable future.
We can't know the future before it happens, but if we don't ask the question, we may be surprised when reality unfolds.
"It gives them a sense that their world is predictable, and when we feel things are predictable, we begin to relax," she says. "a disaster makes us realize or think the world isn't predictable."
The first day, the church of how strong I am, in the Institute of strong, our future, there are many unpredictable surprises.
Originally, anything is unpredictable. Love and future are all at the end of the cloud.
Recollecting the past becomes as unreliable as forecasting the future; you consult yourself with a certain trepidation and take your answer with a grain of salt .
By entering cities, the floating women have made great progress in their own development, but they also pay out heavy cost, which bring them lots of perplexity and unpredictable future.
By entering cities, the floating women have made great progress in their own development, but they also pay out heavy cost, which bring them lots of perplexity and unpredictable future.