unsafe environments, particularly for those with poor balance and limited vision.
Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about the data in their computer due to insecure environment.
The safety issues and considerations for responders in an unsafe environment, including the recognition of an unsafe area, decontamination and access to alternate means of casualty management.
Poorer people are at higher risk of injury because they often live, work, travel and go to school in unsafe environments.
They have failed to keep their people safe: the report argues that overpowerful internal security forces often turn the Arab state into a menace to its own people.
In an unsecure environment SOAP messages are transferred in plain text over the network, so anyone with a sniffer could intercept the SOAP message and read it.
Any extension converted to use keys is still in an environment with a mixture of key-aware and key-unsafe functions.
每年有180多万人工流产是由缺乏必要技能的人员或在缺乏最低医学标准的环境中或在这两种情况下施行的,因此是不安全的。因而每年有68 000妇女死亡。
More than 18 million induced abortions each year are performed by people lacking the necessary skills or in an environment lacking the minimal medical standards, or both, and are therefore unsafe.
Environmental concerns such as awareness of how deforestation impacts climate change and the effects of toxic finishes on the air inside homes have led furniture buyers to demand green furniture.
Most neighborhoods are safe, although there are some that can be dangerous, especially at night.
Note: This regular expression should not be used in production environments as it is not secure against XSS attacks.
Programs never really work in a vacuum — a program that is secure in one environment may be insecure in another.
Trying to maintain a traditional distributed enterprise desktop strategy in this environment can be difficult, insecure, and costly.
If either of the two previous steps are not configured exactly correctly, your environment is now completely insecure.
It is important to note that the procedures followed here and some of the cryptographic artifacts generated here are very insecure and should never be applied to a production environment.
Climate change will make the world an increasingly unsafe place and military capabilities will have to respond accordingly.
Public transportation in Colombia was traditionally perceived as inefficient, unsafe and polluting.
Unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene claim the lives of an estimated 1.5 million children under the age of five each year.
The change of our living environment makes people always feel on their guard against others.
Diarrhoea kills an estimated 1.6 million children each year, caused mainly by unsafe water and poor sanitation.
If you sign in to Gmail via a non-secure Internet connection, like a public wireless or non-encrypted network, your Google account may be more vulnerable to hijacking.
But the factory he manned was an extremely unsafe workplace environment.
We believe that any incident is possible to be avoided and any unsafe working environment is possible to be improved.
We believe that any incident is possible to be avoided and any unsafe working environment is possible to be improved.