Harmony actually fosters new things and similarity doesn't sustain" shows the ancient Chinese wisdom."
After fully absorbing Chinese philosophical wisdom, the artists presented here embody the intelligent communication between man, things, and the universe.
The moon's waxing and waning greatly influences the Chinese lunar calendar and Chinese philosophy, in pursuit of immortal spirit of life and mysterious wisdom.
However, because of their unique identity as sorcerers, Chinese philosophers were not merely pursuing knowledge out of a pure "love of wisdom" as did their western counterparts.
These wise words, written by the Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu in the sixth century BC, can provide useful guidance for Asian equity investors in the 21st century AD.
The problem of how to treat destiny is actually a problem of wisdom of life and the outlook on destiny is an important thought of the traditional philosophy of life in China.
Its philosophical foundation originates from the human ontology of Chinese poetry wisdom.
Taoism is the core of Chinese traditional philosophy which talks about wisdom(beyond truth)and focus on the three themes of Tao, Yin-yang, and Wu(Enlightenment).
Taoism is the core of Chinese traditional philosophy which talks about wisdom(beyond truth)and focus on the three themes of Tao, Yin-yang, and Wu(Enlightenment).