• 诱发电位(ep)信号检测分析技术临床医学诊断神经系统损伤病变一种重要手段

    The detection and analysis of evoked potentials (EPs) is an important means in clinical diagnosis for the injury and disease of central nervous system.


  • 传感器不但能广泛用于临床医学诊断而且原理和方法直接推广到有害气体监测等方面,并可作为未来生物光极的雏型,很发展前途。

    The device is not only widely used in clinical diagnosis, but its methods can further be employed for harmful gas monitoring. As an embryonic form of bio-optrode, it has a promising prospect.


  • 超声诊断技术作为超声医学一个重要应用特有的安全快速实时优势发挥巨大的作用临床医学得到广泛应用

    As an important application in medical ultrasound, the diagnostic ultrasound plays a great role with its advantages in safety, speed and real-time, and has an extensive use in clinical medicine.


  • 临床医学方面信息处理不但某些疾病诊断提供客观依据而且为某些脑疾病提供了有效治疗手段

    On the clinical medicine, the EEG signal processing offers not only the objective evidences for the diagnosis of some brain diseases but also effective therapeutical methods.


  • 诊断学是临床辅助检查科学也是医学学生基础医学过渡临床医学桥梁

    Electrodiagnosis diagnostics is a kind of science which assists clinic examination, and it is also a bridge course for medicine students transiting from basic medicine to clinic medicine.


  • 人体心电信号心血管疾病医学诊断重要依据基础临床医学有重要意义。

    Electrocardiosignal (ECG) is an important evidence base for the diagnoses of cardiovascular diseases as well as for the researches in basic and clinical medicine.


  • 实验诊断临床医学教育中的门重要课程,是联系基础医学临床医学的桥梁。

    The laboratory diagnostics is a key course in clinical medical education, it is also an important bridge between basic and clinical medicine.


  • 临床医学疾病诊断应用自动计算机辅助诊断系统提供可靠深度信息感知

    This algorithm is concise, fast and efficient so that it could provide automatic and reliable depth perception for computer aided diagnosis system in clinical medical application diagnosing diseases.


  • 临床医学中,毛细管电泳应用主要包括临床疾病诊断临床药物监测滥用药物分析临床微生物检测

    The application of CE in clinical chemistry includes diagnosis of clinical disease, monitoring of clinical drug, analysis of illicit drugs and determining of clinical microbe, et al.


  • 目前国内外临床医学对于涂片细胞学诊断主要采用人工阅片方法。

    At the present time, clinical cytologic diagnosis of pleural effusions lies on the pathologists.


  • 诊断临床医学学科基础,是培养临床基本功重要学科

    Diagnosis is the basis of various clinical medical disciplines and it is an important subject to train medical students basic clinical skills.


  • 开设影像解剖学有利于加强医学影像学基础教学临床医学影像诊断培养合格的高级专业人才

    Offering the image anatomy is advantageous to strengthening the image foundation teaching, training qualified professional talents for the clinical medical science image.


  • 方法主要诊断选择规则结合ICD-10疾病编码规则临床医学知识疑问的出院诊断通过审阅本病历研究判断出院诊断正确性

    Methods According to the rules of ICD-10 coding and the clinical knowledge, we have judged the accuracy of discharge diagnosis by checking the whole medical records.


  • 物理诊断是从基础医学课程过渡并通向临床各科学习的桥梁如何在教学中强化EBM理念,学生临床诊断建立EBM思维现阶段临床医学教育中的重点之一

    Physical diagnosis is an approach from basic medical course to clinic medical course. One of important emphases is how to intensify thought of EBMto let students establish thinking model.


  • 物理诊断是从基础医学课程过渡并通向临床各科学习的桥梁如何在教学中强化EBM理念,学生临床诊断建立EBM思维现阶段临床医学教育中的重点之一

    Physical diagnosis is an approach from basic medical course to clinic medical course. One of important emphases is how to intensify thought of EBMto let students establish thinking model.


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