• 固结比对条形地基临界荷载影响较小

    The influence of over-consolidation ratio on the critical bearing capacity for strip foundation is less significant.


  • 算例表明,弧长法确定临界荷载令人满意的。

    The critical loads of a slipper and a slender column under axial compression are determined by the method and the results are satisfactory.


  • 分析了基于能量结构稳定临界荷载计算各种方法

    Analyzing all kinds of the calculating methods for critical load of the structure stability by using the energy method.


  • 遭到达到临界荷载便改变传递路径

    When the arch was pure pressure to achieve the critical load, they will change the power transmission path.


  • 并用线性化屈曲方程求解圆环两铰圆弧匀布径向力作用下的临界荷载

    The critical loads of rings and pined circular arches are calculated using the linearized buckling equations.


  • 随着温度增加冲击临界荷载降低,最后,文中给出各种条件下屈曲模态

    Namely, critical impact loads decrease with the temperature getting the higher. Some buckling modes are given under various conditions.


  • 临界荷载接近极限荷载时,应运用以承载力变形综合确定单桩水平承载力设计

    When critical bearing capacity approaches ultimate bearing capacity it should use bearing capacity and deformation index to synthetically confirm designated value of the single-pil…


  • 讨论了钢材初始挠曲混凝土连续组合梁极限承载力失稳屈曲临界荷载影响

    The influence of initial displacement on load bearing capacity and critical load of steel concrete composite structure is discussed.


  • 本文有限元模型分析了钢筋混凝土浅圆仓仓弹性稳定性计算了屈曲临界荷载

    In this paper, the elastic stability of reinforced concrete silo shell roof is analyzed using finite-element model. The elastic critical buckling loads of the shell roof are calculated.


  • 应用瑞利求解倾覆稳定微分方程,给出了组合荷载作用时栅条稳定临界荷载计算方法

    By solving its stability different ial equation using Kayleighs quotient, the critical load calculation method for this type of paling acted on combined load was proposed.


  • 利用连接构件之间约束作用构件稳定临界荷载可以得到显著的提高节约大量钢材

    If these elastic restraints action of buckling resistance is taken into account the critical loads of steel members may apparentely been increased and plenty of steel material is saved.


  • 不同单层球面网壳结构进行了分析,发现随着矢跨比的增大,动力稳定临界荷载减小

    To analyzed the single-layer reticulated domes of difference ratios of height to span and discover that the increment of the ratios of height to span, dynamic stability critical load decreases.


  • 研究表明,初始缺陷结构动力稳定临界荷载影响,并且初始缺陷对不同跨比结构影响不同。

    The results show that the dynamic instability critical load of the imperfection structure is different from that of a perfection structure.


  • 根据刚度等效原则整体进行稳定性分析,得到井管整体稳定性临界荷载理论计算公式

    According to the principle of equivalent stiffness, we analyze the stability of the whole pipe, and thereby get a theory formula of the critical load of the whole pipe.


  • 通过关于偏差离散参数分析方法研究节点位置缺陷变离散度空间网格结构临界荷载影响规律。

    The effect of discrete degree of node location imperfection on the critical load of spatial grid structure was studied through the parameter analysis of deviation discrete degree.


  • 其中临界荷载选取有无疲劳裂纹差别以及裂纹长度宽度的影响进行实验研究理论分析

    Experimental research and theoretical analysis of critical load selection, difference between specimens with and without fatigue crack, and crack length and width effects were carried out.


  • 根据有限元分析结果临界荷载转换临界弯矩,求出了梭形变截面工字形简支钢梁的变截面系数

    According to the results of finite element analysis, the critical load has converted to the critical moment, and the tapered coefficient of tapered simply-supported I-beams has been calculated too.


  • 本文应用非线性有限元法,对考虑初始缺陷、扭网壳进行整体稳定分析,获得了临界状态时的失稳模态临界荷载

    In this paper, the nonlinear FEM is used to analyze the general stability of torsional shell and torsional reticulated shell with original imperfections.


  • 本文通过对承受竖向均布荷载链线组拼无铰分析,利用能量原理,建立了组拼拱横向稳定屈曲临界荷载计算公式

    Catenary assembled single rib arch that carries vertical loadings and was analyzed in this paper, calculation formula of critical loading of lateral stability flexuosity by the energy principle.


  • 应用塑性理论分析屋面水箱裂缝承重墙体得到临界荷载计算公式,计算出的临界荷载砖砌体的局部抗压强度低。

    When elastoplastic theory is used to analyses the brick wall with cracks bearing weight of water box on the roof of a building, a critical load formula is derived.


  • 通过杆拱桥作用在肋上荷载性质进行了分析,采用能量推导出撑下承式系杆拱桥侧倾稳定临界荷载一般公式

    Using energy method, the general formula for calculation of lateral stability of through bowstring tied arch bridge without transverse beams given.


  • 通过对系杆拱桥作用肋上荷载性质进行了分析采用能量推导出无横撑下承式系杆拱桥稳定临界荷载的一般公式。

    With the background of lateral stability of non-range-spacer through bowstring arch, analytical approximations are derived in this paper using energy variational approach.


  • 运用ANSYS这一大型有限元商业软件河水库坝下大桥进行了详细稳定性分析,验证本文利用能量临界荷载公式

    With ANSYS program, a comprehensive analysis is carried out for the lateral stability of Yingnahe bridge. The critical loads' formula previously concluded in the 3rdpart is checked.


  • 轻型桥墩是桥梁工程中常用到一种桥墩,本文利用柔性失稳临界荷载非线性分析原理,分析了墩位移非线性阶段桥墩稳定性影响

    In this paper, on the basis of non linear analysis of the flexible pier's critical load, the influence of nonlinear phase displacement of pier top on pier's stability is discussed.


  • 应用程序刚性边梁支承单层柱面正交异型网壳在竖向地震作用下动力响应进行计算B—R准则网壳结构的动力位移响应曲线判断出网壳结构在此条件下的动力临界荷载

    The dynamic response of the structure under seismic load is calculated by the program. The critical value is attained according to the rule of B-R and dynamic response of the structure.


  • 我们悬臂矩形一对相对自由作用有不同对称边界荷载时,求薄板最小临界

    We are going to find out the minimum critical loading for cantilever rectangular plates subjected to various edge loadings symmetrically on a pair of opposite free edges.


  • 所以欧拉荷载等于临界压力

    So the Euler load is not equal to critical pressure.


  • 国内现有薄壁钢梁弯扭失稳理论进行了分析,从薄壁杆件一般理论出发,推导出荷载截面弯心主轴平行的受弯钢梁的临界弯矩公式

    On the base of the general theory of thin-walled members, we deduce a new critical moment formula of steel beam under transverse loads which pass the shear center and parallel to the main axis.


  • 发现置换率相同时台板宽度大,水泥土桩荷载临界深度也大,桩摩阻力分布深度下移。

    It is found that the load critical depth and the friction range increase while the cap breadth increases with the same replacement ratio.


  • 发现置换率相同时,承台板宽度大,水泥土桩荷载临界深度也大,桩摩阻力分布深度下移。

    It is found that the load critical depth and the friction range increase while the cap breadth increases with the samer.


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