• 文中提出了用于支持混合业务临近空间通信网络MAC协议

    This paper proposes a novel MAC protocol for the mixed services in the near-space communication network.


  • 主要工作成果如下1提出基于临近空间SAR系统平台

    The main results and achievements are as below:1. The platform of SAR system based on Near-Space has been given.


  • 尤其是近几年临近空间开发利用临近空间大气探测研究提出了迫切的需求

    Especially in the recent years, the rapid development and application of the near space techniques push the requirements of further explorations and researches of the near space atmosphere.


  • 提出了一种利用磁悬浮技术提供初始速度、利用冲压发动机实现临近空间飞行新型发射方法

    A new launch method is introduced, which the primary speed is provided by the magnetism-suspension technology, and can realize the near space flying by using of the ramjet engine.


  • 介绍了临近空间概念特点讨论临近空间军事应用,指出了临近空间电子对抗必然性

    The concept and characteristics of near space are described. Then, the military affairs put to use is suggested. The inevitability for EW of near space is pointed out.


  • 一种利用高空风速控制飞行轨迹新型低能耗临近空间飞行器进行力学分析配平计算

    The mechanical analysis and the trimming were performed for a novel near space aircraft which uses the variation in wind speed at high altitude to control its flight path.


  • 最后针对临近空间倾角失真遥感图像提出了一种分段多项式几何校正方法取得了理想校正精度

    Finally, for geometric correction of near space oblique remote sensing images, a piecewise polynomial geometric correction method is studied, and achieved the desired accuracy of calibration.


  • 采用多控制面配平联翼布局临近空间长航无人机提高阻比、延长时、降低起飞重量重要措施。

    Trimmed by multi-control-surfaces is one important method for the joined-wing near-space-long-endurance UAV to improve the L/D, extend loiter time and decrease take-off weight.


  • 进行临近空间飞行器防空反导预警系统体系结构设计时,面临主要问题之一设计模拟对象的模型体系。

    This paper is of great reference value to the design of air defense and anti-missile warning system.


  • 相对目前航天飞机、飞机运载火箭,临近空间飞行器具有运输费用可快速到达和可重复使用等优点。

    Compared with the current space shuttle, aircraft, and launch vehicle, the near space vehicles have some advantages such as low transport costs, quickly arrived and can be reused.


  • 飞艇作为临近空间机动平台也就应运而生一个世纪新兴学科可能支撑许多新的空间武器

    Airship as a mobile platform in proximity space appears, which is a rising subject across the century and can support lots of new space weapons.


  • 大气中子一区域诱发元器件发生粒子效应主要原因,严重威胁临近空间飞行器安全、可靠地工作。

    Atmospheric neutron is the main radioactive particle in the near space that induced single event effects (SEE) and seriously imperils the safety of the aircraft at this altitude.


  • 随着航空航天技术迅猛发展临近空间地位日益突出,未来临近空间作为航空航天区域补充发挥巨大的军事应用价值。

    With the development of technical aeronautics and space, near space will be good and necessary supplement of aeronautics and space region, and will play an important role in future war.


  • 随着航空航天技术迅猛发展临近空间地位日益突出;未来临近空间装备作为航空航天装备的补充发挥巨大的军事应用价值。

    With the development of technical aeronautics and space, near space equipment will be the good and necessary supplement of aeronautics and space equipment, will play an important role in future war.


  • 方法在飞行器发射初段采用磁悬浮技术助推,产生冲压发动机要求初始速度,在冲压发动机最佳工作高度水平加速后将飞行器送至临近空间

    The near spacecraft is boosted by the magnetism-suspension technology in order to achieve the speed that the ramjet can work. Using the ramjet, the near spacecraft is sent the realm of near space.


  • 空间查询展示局部数据访问(换话说,现实临近几何图形常常一起访问)的最好例子之一

    Spatial queries are one of the best examples to show locality of data access, in other words, geometries that are close to each other in the real world are often accessed together.


  • 这会导致闲置空间变得尽可能可能会关系密切对象(例如string及其char数据)移动临近内存位置

    This results in the largest possible block of free space, but also tends to move objects that are closely related (for example, a String and its char data) into nearby memory locations.


  • 压缩岩石向水平方向运动进入到不如自身密集的,临近土壤中或者空间里。

    Compressed rock can also drive horizontally, into nearby soil or space not occupied by anything as dense as itself.


  • 业内人士分析春节临近羊肉价格还有上涨空间

    Industry analysis, Chinese New Year approaching, beef, mutton prices have room to rise.


  • 体量一直向上延伸到临近塔楼下面公寓居民创造了一个有价值的拓展空间

    It expands the block upwards towards neighbouring towers, creating valuable extra space for residents of a flat located underneath.


  • 通常最好气体狭窄空间自己烧完,同时用水一直冷却临近物体不是可能爆炸的危险。

    It is usually better to allow the gas to burn itself out in a confined area and keep adjacent objects cool with water, rather than to risk a potential explosion.


  • 该项目的建造首先允许ESW临近场地荒废小屋中迁移出来,第二阶段不同建筑的建造腾出空间

    Building this first allowed ESW to decant from their dilapidated shed on the adjacent site, freeing up the land for Phase 2 which is an altogether different building.


  • 通过临近距离浅析浅析浅析浅析认为乌市市内星级酒店空间分布总体上呈集聚分布态势,总体呈现“T”字型分布特点。

    By nearest–neighborhood analysis method, star-hotels in Urumqi are concentrated in the spatial distribution, and present a shape of inverted'T'distribution.


  • 公寓循环系统旨在完美地迎合临近地区的环境,同时定义出广阔的空间,实现居住持续性,并利用公共空间成为城市本身一个组成部分

    The circulation of the apartments manages to fit perfectly into the continuity of the neighborhood. The project became a part of the city itself.


  • 研究发现较小网络规模较高亲缘比例空间临近及交往频度高构成了贫困家庭社会关系网络显著特点

    This study shows that the prominent characteristics of the social networks of the economically poor include smaller network scope, higher proportion of blood relatives, closer space


  • 具体这个居住区方案,建筑的布局对应与绿地卡拉万·区的公共空间临近树林

    And concretely this one is aligned against a green area, against the concatenation of public Spaces that link the old Carabanchel district with its forest through the new neighborhood.


  • 并在保持数据临近位置关系情况,把高维空间数据点映射为低空间对应的数据点。

    The data points in high dimensional space were mapped into corresponding data points in lower dimensional space under preserving distance between data points.


  • 并在保持数据临近位置关系情况,把高维空间数据点映射为低空间对应的数据点。

    The data points in high dimensional space were mapped into corresponding data points in lower dimensional space under preserving distance between data points.


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