• 亲属需要时间痛悼他们失去的至爱。

    Relatives need time to grieve over loved ones they have lost.


  • 所有亲属表示衷心慰问

    My heartfelt sympathy goes out to all the relatives.


  • 虔诚女性亲属抚养大的。

    He was brought up by pious female relatives.


  • 最近亲属得到通知了

    Her next of kin have been informed.


  • 伤亡者姓名通知亲属前不公布。

    Names of the dead and injured are being withheld pending notification of relatives.


  • 靠在众亲属那儿吃蹭喝过了一辈子

    He spent his life sponging off his relatives.


  • 我们已经通知直系亲属

    We have notified the next of kin.


  • 死者亲属墓前献了花圈

    Relatives laid wreaths on the grave.


  • 自己直系亲属以外心怀蔑视。

    He has contempt for those beyond his immediate family circle.


  • 可怜的埃米莉亲属应该这儿来

    Poor Emily. Her kinsfolk should come to her.


  • 我们所有亲属参加了祖父八十寿宴。

    All our family came to Grandad's eightieth birthday party.


  • 医生可以征得亲属同意后施行此项手术

    The doctor may seek the concurrence of a relative before carrying out the procedure.


  • 受害人遗孀今天受到亲属朋友安慰

    The victim's widow was today being comforted by family and friends.


  • 雇主要求书面证明以证实这位亲属确实病了

    An employer can demand written certification that the relative is really ill.


  • 直系亲属到场显然产生镇定效果

    The presence of his immediate family is obviously having a calming effect on him.


  • 警察昨天拒绝在通知亲属透露死去男孩名字

    Police withheld the dead boy's name yesterday until relatives could be told.


  • 法庭宣读谋杀指控受害者亲属公共旁听席观看

    Relatives of the victim watched from the public gallery as the murder charge was read out in court.


  • 再婚违背亲属们的愿望

    She remarried against her relatives' wishes.


  • 亲属们都焦急机场等着。

    Worried relatives waited at the airport.


  • 聪明的亲属今天生活非洲美洲野猫

    The cleverest relative is the America wild cat which still lives in Africa today.


  • 小城镇的居民大城市的居民亲属关系紧密。

    Small-town residents are more involved with kin than are big-city residents.


  • 不管从事这个亲属断绝关系

    Whoever does work on it, that person is cut off from among his kin.


  • 自力更生亲属帮助使大多数工人度过了失业

    Self-help and the help of kin got most workers through jobless spells.


  • 女性亲属关系显示了奴隶社区家庭重要性

    His relationship with female relatives also shows the significance of the family in the slave community.


  • 这些相同感觉使哺乳动物发展出多种社会关系亲属网络

    These same sensations also cause mammals to develop various types of social relations and kinship networks.


  • 国际妇女节这个善待赞美女性亲属日子里俄罗斯人起床小时

    Russians also get up an hour later on International Women's Day, the day for treating and celebrating female relatives.


  • 个体企业家并不一定依靠他们亲属因为他们不能商业资源获得资金支持

    Individual entrepreneurs do not necessarily rely on their kin because they cannot obtain financial backing from commercial resources.


  • 人们照顾年长亲属时,他们往往使用现有社区服务成人日间护理中心

    When people care for an elderly relative, they often do not use available community services such as adult daycare centers.


  • 那些受益可能我们星巴克地铁电梯没有遇到任意某个人年迈亲属

    Those who will benefit may be the elderly relatives of the random person we didn't pass in Starbucks, on the subway, or in the elevator.


  • 社会工作者老龄问题专家看护人和潜在的看护人安排照顾老年亲属方面提供帮助

    Social workers and experts on aging offer caregivers and potential caregivers help when arranging for the care of an elderly relative.


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