• 项目一个独特的艺术家原件令人兴奋视觉

    This project is a unique artist's original and exciting vision of the human body.


  • 通过不同沟通与交流以及一些文化上约束自己期望差异使获得一场令人兴奋生经历

    The different ways of communication, as well as other cultural norms and expectations were so different, and it was an exciting experience getting customized to it.


  • 关注综合性大学遇到新的令人兴奋除开一些令人分心的事,她种种的机会实现成为一个记者梦想

    She will attend the major university, will meet new exciting people and barring some major distraction will have every opportunity to achieve her dream become a journalist.


  • 门课程对于希望加深了解自己们来说,是个令人兴奋机会

    The course is an exciting opportunity for anyone wishing to deepen their understanding of themselves and other people.


  • 打算留给那些研究数学的,让他们办法使自己学科变得有趣令人兴奋这样学生们就会想它。”哈克

    "I'm going to leave it to those who are in mathematics to work out the ways to make their subject interesting and exciting so students want to take it," Hacker says.


  • 全世界的来说,这是多么令人兴奋的消息啊!

    What exciting news for people all over the world!


  • 些专家可以每晚在办公室工作到十点,然后回过头来,发现他们很想回家,享受家和朋友的甜蜜,或者去令人兴奋的地方旅行,结识有趣的

    These specialists could work at the office until ten each night, then look back and realize they would have loved to have gone home and enjoyed the sweetness of their family and friends, or traveled to exciting places, meeting interesting people.


  • 他们看来,个主事儿如此令人兴奋的事情,所以他们很愿意承担多数都会觉得过于沉重的担子。

    For them, being in charge delivers such a thrill that they willingly take on levels of responsibility most rational people would find overwhelming.


  • 认为会堂网络大开眼界的,表演是有趣的,想法的交谈聆听他们思想同样令人兴奋的

    I think networking in halls was at times the most eye opening. It was fun to see geek celebrities, but it was also fabulous to chat with some very inspirational people and to hear some of their ideas.


  • 即使潘多拉较小引力作用下,在另外身体里渡过了令人兴奋几个小时躯体还是感觉死沉死沉的。

    Even in the lesser gravity of Pandora, his human body feels like a deadweight after his exhilarating hours in the other body.


  • 对于我们这些应用程序可伸缩性充满兴趣来说,非常令人兴奋重要时期

    These are very exciting and important times for those of us interested in application scalability.


  • 看书读报的仍然要比上网冲浪——印度海德拉巴世界编辑论坛大会上传出的一个令人兴奋的统计结果。

    More people still read newspapers than surf the web – that was the cheering statistic at the World Editors' Forum in Hyderabad


  • 铁路方面机会肯定各位清楚对于我们这些以铁路项目为本行的来说,眼下是个令人兴奋时期

    Rail opportunities: As I am sure you are aware, these are very exciting times for those of us who work on rail projects.


  • 铁路方面机会肯定各位清楚对于我们这些以铁路项目为本行的来说,眼下是个令人兴奋时期

    Rail opportunities: As I am sure you ar aware, these are very exciting times for those of us who work on rail projects.


  • 吝啬卑鄙喜怒无常高贵华丽也许听起来令人兴奋无比,但也可能意味着面临挑战或是驯服某个野蛮粗鲁

    Mean, moody, and magnificent may sound exciting... so, too, may the idea of taking on a challenge, or 'taming' someone 'wild'.


  • 非常令人兴奋发现如何成为一个卓越的秘密

    Well, it is very exited that I found the secret how to be a great man.


  • 第二我们一个令人兴奋运动会很多球员来了,所有关注他们有些关于体育节的文章

    The next day, we had an exciting sports meeting. many players were in it. All the others just watched them. Some were busy writing articles about it.


  • 我会因为还有更多年月去过令人兴奋部分将要到来已经拥有了一个令人满意生。

    I would save you, because you have more years left to live and the most exciting part of your life is yet to come, while my mother has already lived a fulfilling life.


  • 我们令人兴奋团队具备天赋及创意组成,我们将一起努力提供所值的服务给到所有客户

    Our exciting workplace is a team made up of talented creative people and we provide Beyond Expectation services to our guests.


  • 亲吻自己所爱令人兴奋的情感表达方式

    Kissing someone we love can be a thrilling way to show our affection.


  • 虽然足够令人兴奋,我期待不同一个成功酒店住宿基本要素之一互动品牌视频枕头东西

    While adequate I wish it was more exciting, something I was expecting when watching the brand video where different people interact with one essential element of a successful hotel stay: the pillow.


  • 有影响力有权利特地帮助获得令人兴奋不已机会

    Influential, powerful people will go out of their way to help you get ahead, and opportunities that are offered you could be quite thrilling.


  • 有影响力有权利特地帮助获得令人兴奋不已机会

    Influential, powerful people will go out of their way to help you get ahead, and opportunities that are offered you could be quite thrilling.


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