The influences of geometrical parameters on low specific pump head should be emphasized on comprehensive influence.
The high head produced by the impeller means high adverse pressure gradient within blade passage and because of this the flow often separates from the blade surfaces even at the design point.
It is resolved that design condition efficiency for low specific speed centrifugal pump is not the highest in terms of experiential statistical area ration value.
Especially the flow of compound impeller in the centrifugal pump at low specific speed is more complex and has more problems need urgently to resolve.
The experiments on different types of impeller are done by changing the clearance of wear-ring to prove that the clearance has no influence on the pump efficiency under various types of impeller.
Results of this thesis provide guiding significance to waterpower design of impeller of the low specific speed centrifugal pump.
A practical example showed that the efficiency of pumps with low specific-speed could be improved by using the calculation method presented, so that the design theory of such pumps was substantiated.
Based the brake horsepower characteristics of low specific speed centrifugal pump and the required features of pumps used for agriculture, the concept of non - overload centrifugal pumps is conceived.
Based the brake horsepower characteristics of low specific speed centrifugal pump and the required features of pumps used for agriculture, the concept of non - overload centrifugal pumps is conceived.