• 停止那些支撑远程作战理论神话伪科学买单做法。

    Stop buying into the mythology and bad science that sustains the theory of long-range engagement.


  • 防空兵力弹炮结合系统排队服务系统模型基于排队论防空作战理论建立

    The queue service model of anti-aircraft gun missile system is established on the base of queue theory and air defense theory.


  • 就是一个关于需要采用新的战术作战理论使之适应武器系统核心技术要求例子

    That's an example of how doctrine and tactics need to be adapted to reflect the availability of new weapons systems and new technology.


  • 作战理论变革主要体现信息战理论研究其次则是关于“空地一体战”“全优势”的理论

    The revolution in military theory mainly includes the research of Information warfare, the Air-Land doctrine and full-spectrum doctrine.


  • 依据防空反导作战理论目标分配要求防空导弹反t BM作战指挥中目标分配的关键问题进行了研究。

    According to the air defence theory and the requirements of target allocation in anti-TBM combat, the key problems of target allocation for ground-to-air missile are researched.


  • 第二热潮源于美国陆军1982年版《作战纲要》制定主要集中作战理论研究界,用于作战指导效果明显

    The second boom from American army 1982 edition of the operational guidelines of formulation, mainly concentrated in the battle for operational guidance theory ", the effect is obvious."


  • 新的文件能够更新2003年出版联合空中作战理论,该文件数据链路在战斗中失败,那么可以很难使无人机返回基地

    The new document, which updates joint air operations doctrine published in 2003, says that when data links fail in combat it can be tough to get a UAV back to its base.


  • 透视海湾战争科索沃战争和伊拉克战争,人们许多新的启示,也将对未来军事思想作战理论和武器发展趋势产生重要的影响

    From Kuwait war, Kosovo war and Iraq war, people will get many of new apocalypse, these wars will also affect military thoughts, battle theory and weapon's development trend in future.


  • 巴基斯坦将军们他们新的战术武器可以应对印度于2004年开始实施的“冷启动”作战理论带来的威胁,理论倡导针对巴基斯坦发动的虽然传统迅速猛烈的攻击。

    Pakistan's generals say their new tactical weapons will meet a threat from India's Cold Start doctrine, adopted in 2004, that calls for rapid, punitive, though conventional thrusts against Pakistan.


  • 但是我们也要警惕错误无用理论认为远程作战能够取代近距离作战决定性地位

    We must guard against inaccurate and ineffective theories, however, that suppose that distant engagement can supplant the decisiveness of close combat.


  • 武器系统设计提高舰炮武器系统的作战效能提供理论参考。

    It provides some theory reference for designing of the gun system, and furthermore, improving their operational efficiency.


  • 文中模型方法实时舰艇作战指挥系统研制、开发提供技术支持理论依据

    The models and method may provide technical support and theoretical basis for development of live warship combat command system.


  • 这样背景下本文基于复杂适应系统理论作战模型进行了研究。

    With such a background, the combat model based on the complex adaptive system theory is studied in this dissertation.


  • 对影响坦克作战结果可能因素进行分析提高坦克武器系统作战效能提供理论依据

    Finally, the potential factors which affect the result of combat are discussed. These can be theory bases for the analysis of tank's operational effectiveness.


  • 给出模型效能评估指标作战决策提供理论依据

    The given model and effectiveness evaluation indexes can provide the theoretical basis for operational decision.


  • 根据系统可靠性仿真理论运用计算机仿真方法,对RMS影响武器装备作战使用问题进行了分析

    Based on system reliability simulation theory, using the method of computer simulation, the paper analyzes the effect of RMS on the equipment using in combat.


  • 自然语言生成理论作战文书自动生成提供了良好概念基础

    The NLG theory has provided nicer concept base for the automatic generation of Operation Document.


  • 随机服务系统理论排队解析分析计算武器系统作战效能有效工具

    The stochastic service system theory, which is also called queuing theory, is a kind of efficient implement for analyzing and calculating the combat efficiency of weapon system.


  • 针对防空作战空中目标航迹预测的问题,提出基于灰色理论的空中目标航迹预测方法

    A method for predicting aerial target tracks in air defense warfare was put forward based on grey theory.


  • 根据椭圆弹道理论提出一种可以用于战术弹道导弹作战预测弹道预报落点方法

    Based on the theory of elliptic trajectory, an algorithm of predicting trajectory and detecting impact point of TBM is given, which can be used in anti TBM battle.


  • 运用将影响因子理论兰彻斯特方程相结合建模方法建立机载火控系统对空作战效能评估模型

    A modeling method that combined the theories of influence diagrams and Lanchester equation was applied to build the air-combat model of airborne fire control systems.


  • 提出了利用灰色系统相关理论评估电子战装备作战效能建立了基于层次结构的灰色评估指标体系,介绍了灰色评估模型评估算法

    A grey evaluation system and model, based on the hierarchy structure for evaluating the combat effectiveness of EW equipment, are proposed and the evaluation algorithm is introduced.


  • 优化方法的提出,作战决策部门提供可靠理论依据。

    The method is a credible theoretical gist for the decision-making department.


  • 应用现代模糊数学理论建立评价测度排序模型提出了联合作战装备运用评价模型结构指标体系。

    The paper applies the fuzzy mathematics theory of the unascertained measurement, founds the model of ranking to evaluation measurement, and advances thee.


  • 复杂适应系统理论基于多智能体建模仿真方法通信作战指挥模拟研究提供新的思路

    Complex adaptive system theory and modeling and emulating method based on multi-agent provide a new way for the study of communication campaign commanding simulation.


  • 理论上讲我们不仅能够从战略上实施作战,从战术也是如此。

    Theoretically, we can fight not only strategically but also tactically.


  • 运用将影响图因子理论兰彻特方程相结合建模方法建立了机载火控系统对空作战效能评估模型

    Based on the index method and the Lanchester combat equation theory, the evaluation model of the combat capability of missile combat system is set up.


  • 本文通过建立航天器空间作战拦截模型根据运动学的理论设计航天器空间作战优拦截轨道

    In this paper, the intercept model of the spacecraft in space warfare was built and the optimization orbit was designed based on the theories of kinematics.


  • 格兰特苏联理论首要诠译者,詹姆斯斯耐德博士理论作战艺术提出八个根本要素

    The theory of Dr. James Schneider, a primary interpreter of both Grant and the Soviets, provides the eight essential elements of operational art.


  • 叶斯理论进行了拓展,建立了基于贝叶斯网作战效能评估模型研究了模型的求解方法

    The theory of Bayesian belief net is evolved, and force effectiveness evaluation model based on Bayesian belief net is built, and the method of model solution is studied in the paper.


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