• 采用体循环陈化沉淀的方法,使沉淀浓缩物由无定形凝胶体转化成易沉降过滤的粗晶体

    Through precipitate circulation and aging, the yellowcake slurry in amorphous or microlite form was transformed to crystal precipitate.


  • 使樟脑酒精溶液沉淀

    Water precipitates camphor from its alcoholic solution.


  • 到达水面结合形成使白色沉淀海里

    When it reaches the surface, the hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water, allowing solid white sulfur to precipitate into the ocean.


  • 河流沉淀物中含有大量放射性物质,这些放射性物质被暴风雨洪水冲上河滩使那里的土壤成为放射性污染源之一。

    Its sediments remain highly contaminated and tainted floodplain soils that wash up during storms and floods have now become a source of radioactive materials.


  • 所有这些气体穿过沉淀物浮海洋使深海海水温度升高

    All that gas buoys up through the sediments and into the ocean, heating up the deep waters.


  • 陆地流失物中的沉淀覆盖在珊瑚表面,哪怕仅仅使海水变混,都会导致珊瑚就无法接受日光照射死亡

    Sediment from runoff on land can cover corals or simply turn the water cloudy, cutting them off from the sunlight they need to survive.


  • 沉淀使灌溉系统中的发射器发生阻塞。

    Emitters on trickle system can be blocked by precipitate.


  • 这种胶体容易溶液沉淀出来,并且加入溶剂使沉淀以后容易地分散

    A colloid that is not easily precipitated from a solution and is readily dispersible after precipitation by an addition of the solvent.


  • 利用湿地减缓水体流速,使化学沉淀相关污染物沉淀下来。

    Use wetlands to slow the water down and allow sediments and associated pollutants to settle out.


  • 同时晶界沉淀部由尖锐变得圆钝晶界临近区域中的合金元素贫化使材料应力腐蚀抗力提高

    Meanwhile, the tip of precipitates along grain boundary becomes obtuse, the alloying elements are depleted in the region near the grain boundary and the stress corrosion resistance is bettered.


  • 树木所起作用不止保持水土。树木吸收水份、防止洪水突发,使河流不至于含有杀死鱼类泥沙沉淀

    Trees do more than keep the soil in place. They also soak up water and prevent flash floods, and keep rivers clear of sediment that can kill fish.


  • 作为一有意味形式”,内容沉淀、内隐于艺术形式,使艺术形式成为美的本质标志。

    The content of poetry precipitates and remains under the cover of its form, the so-called"meaningful form", which makes the form of poetry become the essential denotation of the beauty of poetry.


  • 本文采用PVPP -淀粉吸附处理蜂蜜低度使酒体杂质沉淀完全过滤速度快

    In this paper, the adsorption method of PVPP-starch is used to treat a low-alcohol honey wine, make the impurities in the wine precipitate completely and quicken the filter speed.


  • 同样输送速度一定混合使粉尘物料在管道底部形成永久性沉淀时,这时混合临界混合比。

    Likewise, permanent sediment layers are formed with the fixed conveying speed and a certain higher degree of mixing ratio which called as Critical mixing ratio.


  • 处理步骤是先硫酸亚铁使沉淀然后过滤

    The treatment sequence involved addition of ferrous sulfate for precipitation, and subsequence filtration .


  • 中心巨大压力使深部承压流体钠质产生周期性构造泵吸—水力压裂沉淀愈合作用

    The large pressure decline in the pumping centre caused the deep-seated confined fluids to develop periodic tectonic pumping, hydrofracturing and precipitation healing in the sodium-rich rock series.


  • 杏仁生产过程经常出现分离沉淀酸败变质等问题,使杏仁奶研制受到阻挠和困扰。

    But, separation, precipitation and deterioration frequently happening during the processing of almond milk have obstructed its development.


  • 结果表明生物预处理、生物活性炭常规混凝沉淀工艺使水中MAPTPSRP大大降低;

    The result showed that biological pretreatment, biological activated carbon and conventional technology(coagulation, sedimentation and sand-filtration) could remove greatly MAP, TP and SRP in water.


  • 研究发现含量增加使中获得细小沉淀的弥散分布,细化晶粒增强时效硬化从而提高该钢的抗拉强度

    The results showed that as the content of Ti increasing , fine precipitates distribute dipersely, grain fine and age - hardening enhanced in the steel, so tensile strength in this steel is improved.


  • 结果显示,黄连黄芩共煎产生沉淀使有效成分含量降低

    Precipitates were generated after the couple of Coptis and Scute, which results the decrease of contents of effective ingredients.


  • 艺术歌曲声乐艺术体裁一个种类经过岁月沉淀特有表现手法形式结构以及抒情魅力使声乐艺术中占据着不可替代的地位

    "Art Songs" is one type of vocal art genre, after years of precipitation, its unique technique of expression, form of structure and lyrical charm, laid it an irreplaceable position in the vocal art.


  • 接近零度温度以及大面积冰川使层状硅酸盐难以海盆成型沉淀

    Near-freezing temperatures and large glaciers would prevent phyllosilicates from forming and depositing in a lowland ocean basin.


  • 酸性流体条件下,一些矿物发生溶解另一些矿物发生沉淀使砂岩发生改变。

    Under acid fluids environment, some minerals will be dissolved and some other minerals are deposited, so, the porosity and permeability of the sandstone will change.


  • 同时使藻类去除率提高90%以上气浮沉淀固液分离去除藻类方法

    Meanwhile, the invention also provides the method for removing algae by flotation and sedimentation solid-liquid separation, which increases the removing rate of the algae to over 90 percent.


  • 研究沉淀母液残余除去方法使之再生,可回用于碱性蚀刻液的生产。

    Researches on the removal methods of remaining copper in the mother liquor are conducted, making it rise again and utilizing it.


  • 本机用于陶瓷、非金属矿行业釉料容积浆料搅拌使浆料产生沉淀

    The machine used for glaze, slurry material and other large volume of slurry mixing, and makes slurry no sediment in ceramic, non-metallic mineral industries.


  • 提高V含量使细小弥散碳化钒在晶内析出,产生明显的沉淀强化效果

    V strengthened welds exhibited higher toughness than that strengthened with C in the same strengthening effect.


  • 结果表明中添加磷酸单酯淀粉,能降低饺皮裂纹,增加饺皮的弹性口感使饺子汤沉淀物减少。

    As a result the wrapper of boiled dumpling has lower slight crackle rate, better elasticity and taste, and clearer hot water by adding SMEP to it.


  • 结果表明中添加磷酸单酯淀粉,能降低饺皮裂纹,增加饺皮的弹性口感使饺子汤沉淀物减少。

    As a result the wrapper of boiled dumpling has lower slight crackle rate, better elasticity and taste, and clearer hot water by adding SMEP to it.


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