• 他们所做就是一个使这些情况显得愚蠢有害做作角度看待这些熟悉的情况。

    What they do is to look at familiar conditions from a perspective that makes these conditions seem foolish, harmful, or affected.


  • 西亚发出了做作的呻吟

    Dorothea let out a histrionic groan.


  • 一个演技做作演员

    He was a ham actor.


  • 我们真实照片,与卡梅隆一些做作的照片形成了鲜明对比。

    What we were watching in stark contrast to some of Cameron's stagier photo opportunities was the real thing.


  • 不过喜欢自然做作举止

    But she liked his natural manner and informality.


  • 没有娇柔做作语言描述生活

    I have no cutesy language to describe my life.


  • 照着稿子宣读祷告宣誓通常生硬不自然做作

    Prayers and sermons that are read from a manuscript are usually stiff and unnatural and artificial.


  • 每次看到尝试幽默,他的幽默都有种被逼和做作感觉。

    All The Times I've seen him attempt humor have come across as forced and artificial.


  • 知道世上几乎每个人都矫饰做作不必成为他们其中之一

    I know almost everyone in this world is pretentious, but you don't have to be one of them.


  • 事实上杜兴式微笑做作然而真诚的微笑像是一个内心深处快乐散发出来。

    In essence, the non-Duchenne smile is contrived, whereas the genuine smile seems to emanate from a deeper connection to one's joy.


  • 虽然成功交际并非做作的热诚虚假地拍马屁但是真诚表达你的赞美成为交际的重要手段

    Successful schmoozing isn't glad-handing or insincere sucking up -- although expressing sincere admiration can be an important schmooze tactic.


  • 一个鸡尾酒派对上交谈调酒师,妙语,他给我们了,但是他将用娇柔做作的风格包装起来。

    He says someone with a flair for cocktail party conversation, a witticism, would say this. He gives it to us, but he frames it as an affectation of style.


  • 只是额外注意不要做专横父母做作事情也不要迫使他们以至于他们永远不父母相同职业

    Just be extra careful not to pull the stereotypical overbearing-parent thing and make them rebel against ever doing the same thing in their own careers.


  • 酒吧餐馆里人们衣着光鲜,菜肴出色一个价格昂贵,过于做作的去处宁愿回到嬉皮士气质海滩上

    The bar and restaurant is where the beautiful people hang out. The food is superb but it is another over-priced, over-designed hangout and I would rather have been back on the hippy beach.


  • 这个有助于避开陷入那些读者人厌烦(有时他们会把MRD撕碎然后碎片喂给碎纸机)做作语言陷阱

    This will help you avoid falling into the trap of contrived language that turns off the readers - sometimes to the point where they shred your MRD and feed the shreds through the shredder again!


  • 即使那些2005年召开格伦伊格尔斯会议上曾为救助者浮夸做作承诺富国实际援助缩水8.5 %。

    Even after the grandiose promises made at aidfests such as the Gleneagles conference in 2005, rich-country aid to poor countries actually fell by 8.5% in real.


  • 菲利普观者将幅画当作件表现艺术家眼光独特作品来欣赏不是拧笨拙做作被捧上神坛的艺术架构上的一颗螺丝钉。

    Phillips let viewers appreciate each painting as a unique product of an artist's vision, rather than as a mere cog placed in the unwieldy and contrived structure of canonised art.


  • 父母应该确保孩子足够多时间

    Parents should make certain that the children spend enough time doing homework.


  • 文章流露不讨好做作风格

    His writings reveal an unattractive preciousness of style.


  • 天真无邪很快就暴露艺术界做作

    Her wide-eyed innocence soon exposes the pretensions of the art world.


  • 这部剧幽默刻意而为的,而且牵强做作

    The humour of the play is self-conscious and contrived.


  • 声音失去原有的洪亮,紧张做作

    His voice had lost its resonance; it was tense and strained.


  • 不仅做作而且还有瞧不起人的样子

    She had an affected air and a disdainful look.


  • 我的作业的时候,也喜欢做作业。

    She likes to do homework when I do mine.


  • 同时,要确保看屏幕时间不会取代健康睡眠锻炼其他活动

    Also, make sure that screen time does not take the place of healthy sleep, exercising, doing homework and other activities.


  • 运动量同伴聚会少、阅读印刷媒体即报纸幸福感有关,但令人惊奇的是时间少也与幸福感较低相关

    Less sport, and fewer meetings with peers correlated with lower wellbeing, as did less time reading print media (newspapers) and, surprisingly, less time doing homework.


  • 可能必须帮助年龄较小孩子安排他们做作业的顺序重要的是,等他们小学结束时,要让他们习惯成自然。

    You probably have to help younger children plan their session, but it's important that by the end of primary school it's second nature.


  • 可能必须帮助年龄较小孩子安排他们做作业的顺序重要的是,等他们小学结束时,要让他们习惯成自然。

    You probably have to help younger children plan their session, but it's important that by the end of primary school it's second nature.


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