• 他们充满活力进行了比赛

    They played with spirit.


  • 环着以往一样指引着我,平和而又充满活力调子

    His hand on my waist is as guiding as it always was, and he hums the tune to himself in a steady, youthful way.


  • 威尔士其他人设定规则,他科幻小说充满活力进入20世纪并且有所超越奠定了基础

    Wells set the bar for everyone else, and laid the foundation to ensure that science fiction would be very alive and well into the 20th century and beyond.


  • 这些模特出现白色斗篷里,在他们斗篷下来穿着夹克充满活力地往前,通过高科技建立了一个辉煌历史

    The models appeared in white cloaks, flinging them off to walk forward in their down filled jackets that suggested a historical grandeur – but were actually high tech.


  • 已经渐渐超越科比·布莱恩特这位NBA15年的老兵了。后者不能原先那般充满活力打出精英级别防守了,或者说能有韦德做的更多

    He earns the slight edge over 15-year veteran Kobe Bryant, who no longer has the energy to defend at an elite level or play as much as Wade does.


  • 每天要保持阅读几企业杂志时事通讯来不断进行充电提升自己,我还读历史传记,充满活力的书和《牛津智者的心灵》.这些与销售有何关联?

    Keep copies of industry magazines and newsletters that educate and update you.


  • 明天我们观察一下这样一个充满活力创造结果然后合理解释要想得到离子,我们必须先得到离子晶体

    And, what we will do next day is we will look at the consequences of such an energetic set up, and rationalize that when ions form, by necessity we must form ionic crystals.


  • 无论是何种形式,都必须一个充满活力实体能方便进行更新引用

    Whatever form it takes, it must be a living, breathing entity that's easy to update and easy to reference.


  • 例如西孟加拉邦很少有人清楚说明充满活力的班纳吉代表什么

    For example, few in West Bengal can spell out what the energetic Ms Banerjee stands for.


  • 我记得喝掉2 - 3升水时候,我快乐就像只嚼着薄荷的小猫,或者像是脱离了蝙蝠一样充满活力

    When I remember, and drink 2-3 liters, I'm happy as a kitten on cat-nip, and productive as a bat out of hell.


  • 艾灵顿诸多的伴舞乐队一样立刻认识到了这一来自新奥尔良充满活力的新式乐音潜力无限。

    Like many dance-band musicians of that era, Ellington quickly realised that the vibrant new jazz sounds coming up from New Orleans represented a potent source of new ideas.


  • 度假可以让的身心充满活力——每周例行工作不断吞噬着我们心灵

    Vacation Revitalizes Your Mind - the demanding events of our weekly routine can wear thin on the livelihood of our psyche.


  • 熟练掌握了之后,头倒立变得非常轻松容易也将得到充满活力的身体、平和的心情清明的大脑。

    When you have learned Sirsasana well, the pose will be light, relaxed, and nearly effortless, and you will feel energized, calm, and clear-headed.


  • 不论把刷子看起来多么充满活力”,写道,“画布看起来却没什么变化。”

    "Despite what seemed to be plenty of vigorous activity with the brush", he writes, "little seems to have changed on the canvas."


  • 度假可以的身心充满活力——每周例行工作不断吞噬着我们心灵

    A Vacation Revitalizes Your Mind - the demanding events of our weekly routine can wear thin on the livelihood of our psyche.


  • 此外充足睡眠可以使我们充满活力,使可能我们很好完成考试,洗个热水澡一杯的牛奶之前晚上睡觉帮助一个良好的睡眠。

    Besides, having enough sleep can make us full of energy and make it possible for us to perform well in the exam, a hot bath or a cup of hot milk before going to bed night help you have a sound sleep.


  • 坦白出发时候完全没有预定目的只是怀有一个觉得再次年轻充满活力珍藏梦想

    Frankly speaking, I've no preconcerted destination at all when I set off but I'd cherished a dream, which makes me feel vigorous and young again.


  • 理想坐落运河区联合国教科文组织世界遗产普利策·阿姆斯特丹客人提供最佳访问所有充满活力城市阿姆斯特丹。

    Ideally situated within the Canal District, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Pulitzer Amsterdam gives guests optimal access to all that the vibrant city of Amsterdam has to offer.


  • 一个充满活力不断做事

    An energetic person is constantly doing things.


  • 过去了。至今,史密斯先生的肾脏正常发挥着生理机能,回到充满活力生活当中,并朋友永远心怀感激

    That was four years ago, and Mr. Smith's new kidney is still functioning and he is back to his active life, forever grateful to his friend.


  • 这都有效缓解疼痛,降压以及放松肌肉使身体充满活力

    Both help to relieve pain, de-stress, relax your muscles and energize your body.


  • 花丛中,天秤座充满活力花蝴蝶不停来回穿梭因此她们要求情人灵活多变她们生活多采多姿

    In love flowers, you like a vibrant butterfly, constantly shuttling back and forth. So they will ask the lover is flexible, to make their life colorful.


  • 想着莉莉热切脸庞那双充满活力绿眼睛长长叹了口气

    He thought of Lily's eager face and lively green eyes and heaved a deep sigh.


  • 主要目标员工充满活力创造精神行使完成任务

    My main goal is to get the work done by people who perform their jobs with energy and initiative.


  • 尽管2012年新品层出不穷,但是长裙一直流行风格之一,它可以平添许多女人味,让你夏天看上去光彩照人,充满活力

    After a huge development in 2012, the maxi dress is still a popular style to give you a feminine, light and exciting look in the summer.


  • 尽管2012年新品层出不穷,但是长裙一直流行风格之一,它可以平添许多女人味,让你夏天看上去光彩照人,充满活力

    After a huge development in 2012, the maxi dress is still a popular style to give you a feminine, light and exciting look in the summer.


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