Optical performance: Various glass substrates can be used for IGU to meet the request of sunlight transmission and reflection.
Therefore, the model can be used to direct design and preparation of the low reflectivity optics functional coatings.
The sensitivity of two day′s difference of apparent reflectivity to aerosol optical depth was simulated with 6S model.
By purifying the medium, the optical breakdown threshold can be increased; thus the phase-conjugation fidelity, the reflectivity of the energy and the stability of SBS increase correspondingly.
The derived sea surface water-leaving radiance, normalized water-leaving radiance, remote sensing reflectance are useful in the study for oceanic optics and ocean color remote sensing.
The optical anisotropy of zooclast graptolite in some Paleozoic strata of China has been studied using reflectance cross-plot analysis.
Results indicate that the optical band gap of the CN x films is decreased with the increasing nitrogen concentration, accompanied with the reflectance increase of the films.
Using this device, we can measure many oceanic optical parameters such as diffuse attenuation coefficient, remote-sensing reflectance, water-leaving radiance and so on.
The light-transporting efficiency and light distribution of the guide with and without reflective film that has different reflectivity is compared by experiments.
The profiling method is the preferred way to measure remote sensing reflectance.
The display has been incorporated with a low_reflectance black matrix and optical compensation films for high_quality performance.
Based on simplified assumptions on solid paints film structure, a new bidirectional reflectivity function is obtained through physics and optical analysis;
Optical Performance: Various glass substrates can be used for IGU to meet the request of sunlight transmission and reflection.
The reflectivity of optical mirrors can be obtained by measuring linewidth of transmission spectrum of optical cavity and the fineness of Fabry-Perot (F-P) cavity.
Comparing rigorous numerical result with approximate formulae, we find that the reflectance formula of general thin optics can easy straight calculate the side bands reflectance of resonance filter.
It is derived that reflectivity and transmission of random-structure 1d photonic crystal by the method of characteristic matrix, and explains the concept of full photonic bandgap.
The results show that the test site has a very good homogeneity with a variation coefficient of the reflectance in any channel lower than 3%.
All materials have strong absorption in EUV region. Therefore, using multilayer coatings is the only approach to construct normal incidence optical systems.
All materials have strong absorption in EUV region. Therefore, using multilayer coatings is the only approach to construct normal incidence optical systems.