Losses in mutual funds are normally borne solely by the investors, not by the mutual fund company.
Major annuity sellers have stepped up their efforts to get employers and mutual fund companies to include annuities in workers' 401 (k) plans.
David Kabiller of AQR says that his firm's mutual funds are not merely a reaction to market mayhem.
由查理斯及其妻、两名公司职员和一名会计共同控制的克劳德·r .拉姆慈善基金会共用掉了两千八百万美元。
The Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation, which is controlled by Charles Koch and his wife, along with two company employees and an accountant, spent more than twenty-eight million.
Companies such as Vanguard offered them to individuals in the form of mutual funds.
Steve Feinberg, its notoriously reclusive boss, co-founded the firm in 1992 as a hedge fund that traded distressed debt.
Insurers, just like mutual funds, are providing risk pooling for you.
In June, Bull Path Capital Management converted a long-short equity hedge fund into a mutual fund.
The Mutual European fund is more geographically balanced and has less than 10% of its assets in energy shares. BP isn't listed among the top 25 holdings.
It has been set up by UAP Insurance of Kenya, Safaricom, Kenya's biggest mobile-network operator, and the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture, part of a big Swiss agribusiness group.
对冲基金蓝色羽冠资本管理公司(BlueCrest Capital Management)共同创始人迈克尔•普莱特认为,祖母是他能进入股票交易行业的领路人。
Michael Platt, co-founder of hedge fund BlueCrest Capital Management, credits his grandmother with starting him in stock trading.
Two thirds of Sino-foreign fund management joint ventures have yet to reach break-even, amid increasing consolidation pressure in the word's fastest-growing mut-ual fund market.
Bank of New York Mellon has Dreyfus, an equity mutual-fund group.
追踪共同基金销售状况的市场研究公司Financial Research表示,整个黄金领域各个基金的情况都是如此。
And Financial Research Corp., a firm that tracks mutual fund sales, says the same holds true for funds across the gold sector.
In April, Permal Group, a fund of hedge funds, launched a tactical-allocation mutual fund.
晨星公司(Morningstar)共同基金分析业务副主管杜塔(Arijit Dutta)说,投资者应该研究一只具体的基金或是交易所买卖基金是如何构建的。
Arijit Dutta, an associate director of mutual fund analysis at Morningstar, says investors should research how a particular fund or an ETF is constructed.
The mutual funds have gained an average 7.4% total return this year through Sept. 21, according to Morningstar.
There are currently 265, 000 members of the public taking part in the project, which is an initiative of National Geographic, IBM and the California-based Waitt Family Foundation charity.
A year ago AQR, a prominent hedge fund in Greenwich, Connecticut, launched its first mutual fund; six more have since followed, the latest on January 5th.
There are insurance companies and mutual fund demand , will not rule out the formation of the League of interest.
The conference was coendorsed by The Endocrine Society and the American Diabetes Association and was supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Novo Nordisk.
Investment trust company is different from unit trust and mutual fund for the latter two can be continuously sold with shares redeemed according to the investors' needs.
There are currently 265,000 members of the public taking part in the project, which is an initiative of National Geographic, IBM and the California-based Waitt Family Foundation charity.
There are currently 265,000 members of the public taking part in the project, which is an initiative of National Geographic, IBM and the California-based Waitt Family Foundation charity.