When a virtual processor first attaches to Shared memory, it reads address information in the shared-memory header for directions to all other structures.
This additional supporting area—perhaps named Physical Structure—would be used to store models on the network hardware, cabling, physical plant, and other infrastructure information.
It's not important that the structure and content of your information match up with similar content being produced by other writers on the same or other teams.
It contains a treasure trove of information about our galaxy and its structure, in addition to many other galaxies.
Other changes include updates to policies on enterprise architecture and information assurance and a policy that seeks to accelerate the use of commercial it services and software.
Confidential information includes info on HP 'organizations, staffing, finance, structure' and a slew of other categories.
Representing schema rules in the form of simple XML and maintain other schema-related information within this XML structure, as shown in Listing 12 above.
You can incorporate phone Numbers and other forms of electronic contact information as part of the structure, as in Listing 5.
这种机制就是属性结构(attribute structure),它主要使所有类型的信息可与类本身或类的方法、字段及其他组件相关联。
This mechanism is the attribute structure, which basically allows all kinds of information to be associated with a class itself or with the methods, fields, and other components of a class.
In architecture design and software engineering, you need a clear comprehension of the domain for the architecture and to be able to effectively communicate that to other people.
While this article has focused on text analysis, UIMA can also be used to analyze other kinds of unstructured information such as audio and images.
After all, SOA works well with other architectures, and SOA by itself doesn't solve information and semantic integration challenges.
Participate in the it architecture forum to exchange tips and techniques and to share other related information about the broad topic of it architecture.
注意较大的组织可能更倾向于在将表1- 4中列出的信息放置在一些其他政策的文档中而不是参考体系结构中。
Note that larger organizations might opt to place some of the information listed in Tables 1-4 (e.g., tool selection) in other policy documents rather than in the reference architecture.
The LDAP database stores and retrieves information based on a hierarchical structure of entries, each with its own distinguishing name, type, and attributes.
Parameterized navigation path: The navigation path against an information model hierarchy can define extra parameters to filter a particular relationship.
Semi-structured data generally contains tags or other elements to separate semantically related elements that imply some details about the associated data.
This structure also maintains directory information, which is extremely useful in transporting Web sites or other groups of files that have file system relationship dependencies.
Facilitating individuals to share structured and semi-structured information stored in their documents or local databases, with others in the organization.
This structure can be used to get the sender's pid, uid, fault address, and other information.
The super_block structure refers to a number of other structures that encapsulate other information.
您还可以在此处找到如何区分 ADO.NET体系结构和其他Borland产品的更多信息。
You can also find some further information on how the ADO.NET architecture differs from other Borland products here.
Other issues with the existing Web site are based on inconsistent visual language, navigation, and information architecture.
See Part 1 for additional details of the virtual campus example, the EAz concept of operations, and details of the major EAz architectural structures.
对于其他的后端系统,您应当获取或开发适合于J2EE连接器体系结构(J2EE Connector Architecture)的适配器,它也提供了登录信息。
For other backend systems, you should obtain or develop an adapter that complies with the J2EE Connector Architecture, which also provides for logins.
Any attempt to write in a configuration file at a different level in the hierarchy will result in an error message generated by the parser.
The authors have seen their clients repurpose personas across their organization, informing marketing campaigns, organizational structure, and other strategic planning activities.
Transfer of OAM (Operations, Administration and Maintenance) information for reserved and permanent services may be provided via a D-channel in another interface structure.
Hospital is a special organization, having a different form and character from other industries and his own information communication.
Hospital is a special organization, having a different form and character from other industries and his own information communication.