Other risks may include not having the right level of expertise, unfamiliarity with the technology, and problems integrating smoothly with existing products or equipment.
Get answers to your technical questions and share your expertise with other WebSphere Message Broker users.
Elance is an online agency that matches technical, design and other professionals with businesses needing such services.
Today, only the largest companies can afford to hire consultants and experts. In the future, even small companies will be able to purchase on-demand expertise and other services via the Internet.
This list is updated peridocally and is intended for customers, consultants, and other technical specialists interested in using and learning more about these areas.
Institutions of higher learning practice the specialty technical position employment system for auxiliary teaching staff and other specialty technical staff.
Competence, in this case, means having the skills and knowledge necessary to improve others' abilities, whereas the track record means having experience doing this effectively.
The COE is a new entity that controls the technical development of the SOA and provides expertise to the rest of the organization.
A system of appointment for professional or technical post shall be applied for auxiliary teaching staff and other professional or technical personnel in schools and other institutions of education.
Many of these assets are tangible, suchas machinery, factories, and offices; others are intangible, such as technicalexpertise, trademarks, and patents.
Product-specific forums where you can get answers to your technical questions and share your expertise with other WebSphere users.
Wikipedia 3 认为软件工程是“……关于采用计算机科学,项目管理及其他领域的技术和实践来创建和维护软件应用的专业。”
the profession concerned with creating and maintaining software applications by applying technologies and practices from computer science, project management, and other fields."
Cartography majors learn how to make maps. They study math, computer, and other techniques, including the interpretation of aerial photographs and remote-sensing data.
Royalties are the payment for using assets from abroad, such as for trademarks, patents, Copyrights, or other expertise under contracts known as licensing agreements.
Regularly coordinate specialized technical personnel department of worker to undertake professional skill training, as well as to other department personnel for equipment training.
A system of appointment for professional workers and technicians shall be instituted for auxiliary teaching staff and other professional workers and technicians in higher education institutions.
In addition, this professional graduate still can be engaged in the electric technology in other industry working.
Otherwise, if they don't fit in well, will they still be accepted by other technology firms? Will they lose their major knowledge?
Phlebotomy technician students learn. under the supervision of physicians and other health care professionals. to draw blood samples from patients using a variety of intrusive procedures.
It emphasizes the critical role of an efficient communication with information technology professionals, business managers, end users, consultants and other external service providers.
Students of cytotechnology learn to recognize early signs of cancer and other diseases in human cells.
Compared to other basic courses, biotechnology English has the unique subject attribute in teaching process.
Graduates can become professional photographers, laboratory imaging technicians, managers of photo processing firms, or pursue other careers in imaging technology.
But now that I have become more professional in technique, I have equipped my workshop with an electric saw as well as an electric plane, and several other labor-saving devices.
This technology will benefit other software development of power system.
This technology will benefit other software development of power system.