• 美元大多数其它货币相比升值了

    The dollar strengthened against most other currencies.


  • 其它服务质量上差异很大

    Other services vary dramatically in quality.


  • 其它问题也许会随之而来

    Other problems may follow.


  • 那里一些工人们调配其它工地

    Some of the workers there will be redeployed to other sites.


  • 这些居无定所年轻人没有其它地方可

    These rootless young people have nowhere else to go.


  • 广播首都其它地区遭到了炮火袭击。

    The radio said other parts of the capital also came under shellfire.


  • 继续研究飞蛾,同时开始研究其它昆虫

    I continued studying moths, and branched out to other insects.


  • 技术扩延其它农作物也许可能的。

    It might be possible to extend the technique to other crop plants.


  • 其它眼睛特征包括眼球无意识而有节奏运动

    Other ocular signs include involuntary rhythmic movement of the eyeball.


  • 其它所有成分包括必须根据重量降序排列。

    All the other ingredients, including water, have to be listed in descending order by weight.


  • 政府一直在搞税款抵免快速折旧其它经济花招

    The government has been offering tax credits, accelerated depreciation, and other economic hanky-panky.


  • 我们西班牙人民其它任何国家人民都没有分歧

    We have no quarrel with the people of Spain or of any other country.


  • 他们确保这样声明可以其它记录多方核对所证实。

    They want to ensure such claims are justified by cross-checking with other records.


  • 马车开始向前赶,超越其它并且接近时加速。

    The BMW started coming forward, passing the other cars and gaining speed as it approached.


  • 许多移植手术中骨头可以取自病人身体其它部分

    In many bone transplants, bone can be taken from other parts of the patient's body.


  • 荒野之地禁止筑路、使用机械设备以及绝大多数其它开发

    Wilderness designation prohibits road building, the use of mechanized equipment and most other developments.


  • 其它方面还没有找到能证明参与此非法交易确凿证据

    The search for other kinds of evidence tying him to trafficking has not produced a smoking gun.


  • 然而随着时间的推移,这项技术其它国家得以传播使用

    Over time, however, the technology is diffused and adopted by other countries.


  • 长远来看,公司希望莫斯科其它主要城市开展业务。

    In the long term the company hopes to open in Moscow and other major cities.


  • 这样的头发美丽的皮肤穿上红色其它亮色好看。

    With your hair and your beautiful skin, you'd look good in red and other bright colours.


  • 其它技术产品发展良好数码照相机宽屏数字电视机

    Other new technology products are also doing well, such as digital cameras and wide screen digital televisions.


  • 任何药都不能独立起效果,而是多或少地受到很多其它因素的影响。

    No medication works in isolation but is affected to a greater or lesser extent by many other factors.


  • 数百其它点子头脑风暴集体讨论中尝试过被摒弃了。

    Hundreds of other ideas had been tried and discarded during two years of brainstorming.


  • 对于失去每份农场工作地区其它三个工作就会置于危险中。

    For every farm job that is lost, two or three other jobs in the area are put at risk.


  • 科幻小说作家长期以来一直梦想人类有一可以离开地球移居其它星球上

    Science fiction writers have long dreamed that humans might one day quit the earth to colonize other planets.


  • 可供阅读的英文法文德文意大利文版本,有通向其它相关旅游网站链接

    Available in English, French, German and Italian, it has links to other relevant tourism sites.


  • 很遗憾威廉有关可能有的其它名字、他的住处或者电话号码等方面愿意提供信息。

    William, sadly, was not very forthcoming about any other names he might have, where he lived or what his phone number was.


  • 其它国家很快也开始效仿

    Soon other countries followed.


  • 地区并非没有其它问题

    The region is not without other issues.


  • 其它国家有可能也会效仿

    Other countries may follow.


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