• 特性通常颜色(“反保护”),也可以其它特征

    This quality is usually a color (as in "protection from black") but can be any characteristic value.


  • 其它眼睛特征包括眼球无意识而有节奏运动

    Other ocular signs include involuntary rhythmic movement of the eyeball.


  • 其它心理学家则提出内心再现图像特征物体特征有序地对应起来的。

    Other psychologists have proposed that internal representation features are matched serially with an object's features.


  • 山丘河谷其它地貌特征造成多种冲击波反射影响其强度

    Hills, valleys and other terrain features can create multiple reflections of the shock waves and affect intensity.


  • 但是它们不能提供有关试验组中具有不同特征人群信息诸如年龄性别健康状况、与其它药物联合治疗情况以及种族出身

    But they provide no information for populations with different characteristics from the trial group, such as age, gender, state of health, co-treatment with other medicines and ethnic origin.


  • 品牌区分竞争对手的产品服务名字词语设计象征或者其它特征

    A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes products and services from competitive offerings.


  • 其它开放系统例如邮政道路或者电话承担一个超越它们本身简单技术特征社会服务功能

    Other open systems such as the mails, the roads or the telephones come to perform a function in society that transcends their simple technical characteristics.


  • 可以看出监管者风险其它资产特征评估主要是跟随者不是引路人。

    One can expect regulators to mainly follow rather than lead the market in assessing riskiness and other asset characteristics.


  • 无线网络可以让雇员笔记本电脑其它装置连接中央计算机系统上,成为企业标准特征即便小企业也是如此。

    Wireless networks, which allow employees to connect laptops and other devices to central computer systems, have become a standard feature, even for smaller companies.


  • 而且,太阳黑子减少并不一定意味着太阳的其它特征的减少,比如日珥——产生引起极光日冕物质抛射

    What's more, a decrease in sunspots doesn't necessarilymean a drop in other solar features such as prominences, which can produce aurora-triggering coronal mass ejections.


  • Long表示,银蛟表现出了其它动物身上看不到一些独特特征

    Chimaeras display some unusual features not seen in other living animals, Long said.


  • DaSilva说:“疾病临床特征其它许多常见传染病相似,因而容易误诊”。

    "The disease can be easily misdiagnosed due to the fact that its clinical features are common to a host of other infectious diseases," da Silva says.


  • 癌症一个定义特征快速产生异常细胞,这些细胞超越通常边界生长侵袭身体毗邻部位扩散其它器官

    One defining feature of cancer is the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their usual boundaries, and which can then invade adjoining parts of the body and spread to other organs.


  • 其它特征超长前臂灵活,则可追溯更远灵长类动物过去

    Others, such as extra-long forearms and flexible feet, date from deeper in the primate past.


  • 其它研究发现饮水越多,出现具有癌症前期特征结肠息肉机率就越小

    Other studies have found that the more water subjects drank, the fewer precancerous colon polyps they had.


  • 人类能够全面并且快速适应环境,这个新发现证据说明自然选择改变某一特征可能不必等待正确变异发生,而是还有其它选择

    But the new evidence that humans have adapted rapidly and extensively suggests that natural selection must have other options for changing a trait besides waiting for the right mutation to show up.


  • JMS消息传递服务支持主题队列两种模式以及其它的很多特征可靠消息传递不错选择

    JMS is a messaging service that supports topics and queues and has many features that make it a good choice for robust messaging.


  • JDOM一个有趣特征其它API互操作性

    One of the interesting features of JDOM is its interoperability with other APIs.


  • 为了达到这些目的,作者需要继续研究斯隆长城其它星系团形态,并把它们特征作以比较

    To help achieve this, the authors intend to continue mapping the morphology of the Sloan Great Wall as well as other superclusters to compare their features.


  • 为了测试鸟儿不同面孔的辨识能力,并且不是受衣服步态其它个体特征的影响,马兹卢夫博士和两个学生都戴上了橡胶面具

    To test the birds' recognition of faces separately from that of clothing, gait and other individual human characteristics, Dr. Marzluff and two students wore rubber masks.


  • 贝内特教授脚部形状力学特征人类解剖学其它方面、步态以及探究环境行为提供新的线索。

    The shape and mechanics of the foot, said Professor Bennett, offer great insight into the rest of the human anatomy, the gait and the behaviour that was possible in exploiting the environment.


  • 一种替代其它所有特征标准”,根本违背了男女平等的道德准则。

    This was a "kind of substitute criterion" for other features and was incompatible with the principle of equal treatment for men and women, she said.


  • 这种品种葡萄喜爱光照,适宜温暖气候下种植,用熟透的西拉葡萄做出葡萄酒味道很足,口感柔滑,其特征鲜明的味道使很容易其它红酒分辨出来。

    This sun-loving grape flourishes in warm climes, and the ripe fruits produce wines powerful in taste, but soft in texture. The signature spiced flavor makes it easily distinguished from other reds.


  • 村上春树不断重复习惯无论是因为文体上的无意识特征或是因为日语翻译其它语言的副作用,都会使村上春树一句话看起来非常深奥

    His habit of repetition, whether a stylistic tic or a side-effect of translation from the Japanese, has the effect of making everything Murakami says sound infinitely profound.


  • 因此如果创造文化能力我们生物学特征基础Thornton认为寻找我们文化根源方法之一就是研究其它动物社会存在的更简单传统

    So if the foundation for the capacity for culture is rooted in our biology, Thornton argues, one of the ways to find these roots is to study the simpler traditions seen in other animals.


  • 关于依据收入其它特征所区分不同终生效用”【2】吗?

    That is, about lifetime "utility" of persons who differ by income and other characteristics?


  • 不管怎么说,我们可能会看到这种情况是因为存在其它重要的问题比如,通过无线数据连接而不用WIFI,反应时间一系列其它重要特征

    We may anyway because there are other issues that matter, like the ability to connect over a cellular data connection instead of a wifi connection, latency, and a number of other important features.


  • 不管怎么说,我们可能会看到这种情况是因为存在其它重要的问题比如,通过无线数据连接而不用WIFI,反应时间一系列其它重要特征

    We may anyway because there are other issues that matter, like the ability to connect over a cellular data connection instead of a wifi connection, latency, and a number of other important features.


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