• 冲击荷载作用土体特性理论试验研究少。

    Especially the trait of the soil under the function of the impact has extremely little research in theory and experimentation.


  • 本文讨论闭合圆柱形壳体冲击荷载作用下动力计算

    This article discusses the dynamic computation of the closed cylindrical shell under impact load.


  • 掌握混凝土性能设计承受冲击荷载结构非常重要。

    It is important to master concrete mobile load performance for design structure received impact load.


  • 解析地研究了受到横向冲击荷载瞬态横向动力响应

    Transient lateral response of pile subjected to lateral impulse load at the pile head is studied.


  • 进行静态荷载动态冲击荷载作用下的混凝土三弯点试验

    The test of third-point flexural-tensile beams was done in static loading and impact loading;


  • 采用离散单元模拟预应力钢筋混凝土冲击荷载破坏过程

    An approach for simulating damage process of prestressed reinforced concrete structures under impact load by applying the discrete element method is presented.


  • 最后通过动力试验仪研究冲击荷载作用粘土力学变形特性

    Finally use the dynamic three axle shear test to research impulsive load function under red clay mechanics and distortion characteristic.


  • 研究滚石-土-埋地钢管组成多元体系冲击荷载作用下动力响应

    This article is focusing on a simulated study of the dynamic response of the multi-system composed of rolling stones, mud and buried pipes to the impact loads through quantitative analysis.


  • 分析结果研究冲击荷载作用下地下洞室塌破坏一定的参考价值。

    The research findings are valuable in the study of the ground-shock-induced collapse of tunnel.


  • 问题本质隧道三者组成体系冲击荷载整体动力响应

    The problem was the dynamic reaction of the whole system consisting of piles, soil and tunnel under the impact load of pile driving.


  • 此同时冲击现象随之增加并且冲击荷载具有短时超强、破坏力极大特点

    Meanwhile, the impact increases, and also it has the characteristic of short duration, strong destructive effect.


  • 相对而言随着窄缝收缩减小,水垫塘冲击荷载略有减小同时挑水增加。

    Comparatively, with the reducing of shrinkage ratio of slit, the shock loads of receiving pool reduce, but the critical hydraulic head that just can cause deflecting heightens simultaneously.


  • 提出一类用于三体系单元使其解决三维层状体系受冲击荷载的动力问题

    A new type of spectral element was proposed to solve the problems of three-dimensional multi-layered system subjected to an impulsive load.


  • 本文动态光弹性方法,分析冲击荷载作用岩洞周边应力分布动应力集中系数

    In the present paper the dynamic stress distribution and stress con-centration factor in the neighbourhood of caverns under impulse loadingare given by using dynamic photoelastic method.


  • 另外作为能量可控瞬态冲击荷载强夯施工可以作为个可控的动力学原位试验

    On the other hand, as an instant impact load with controllable energy, dynamic compaction is a good test in-situ for the study of soil dynamics.


  • 二十冲击荷载预报海岸近海工程设计越来越受到重视,形成一个新兴课题

    In the recent twenty years, the forecast of wave slamming loads in the design of coast and offshore engineering has become a new subject.


  • 根据地面大跨度原理设计出网壳结构结构稳定性强,承受较大变形地压冲击荷载

    Based on the mechanical principle, shell structures are designed such that improved stability and capacity under deformation earth pressure and impulse load can be achieved.


  • 本文编制动力有限元程序可以较好的模拟静态动态冲击荷载作用下弯拉特性

    The dynamic finite element program formulated in the paper can simulate the flexural-tensile property of the third-point flexural-tensile beams under static loading and impact loading.


  • 爆炸冲击荷载作用钢板引起复杂应力应变状态变化表现在应力波传播比较复杂。

    That the complex stress state change is aroused between armor plates under explosive or shock force is expressed by complex stress wave propagation.


  • 混凝土受到冲击荷载作用时,橡胶将成为混凝土内部的中心,提高混凝土的冲击能力

    When dynamic load is impacted on concrete, the rubber powder can absorb plentiful kinetic energy and improve the ability of resisting dynamic load.


  • 因此针对洪水冲击作用特点建立洪水冲击荷载模型研究冲击建筑结构的影响十分必要的。

    Therefore, based on the characteristics of the flood impacting, founding the impact loading model and researching the infection of the impact to the building is an important research work.


  • 这种结构有效控制混凝土在爆炸冲击荷载作用下的开裂震塌,限制结构变形增强结构稳定性

    Its effect of controlling the concrete's crack and crush, decreasing the structural deformation and improving the structural stability is marked.


  • 计算结果说明世界贸易中心倒塌直接原因火灾导致钢材软化楼板塌落冲击荷载引起的连锁反应。

    The numerical results also show that the softening of steel under fire and impact load of top floors are the two main reasons for the collapse.


  • 分析表明,断线冲击荷载导线输电塔均产生较大动力放大效应,荷载加剧断线引起振动

    The results show that the dynamic impact loads on broken wire cases will magnify response of the conductors and tower. Wind loads will aggravate the vibration caused by the sudden cable rupture.


  • 讨论土体再团结变形规律,提出再固结体积压缩系数确定方法最后分析冲击荷载作用后的强度变化。

    The re-consolidation deformation law of soil is analysed and a method of determining coefficient of volume compressibility is suggested.


  • 并以应力-应变全程曲线所围面积作为韧性指标,对纤维混凝土冲击荷载特性进行对比分析

    The area of strain-stress curve is regarded as tenacity index, and the tenacity increase characteristics of the two kinds of fibers reinforced concrete were analyzed and compared.


  • 探讨了质和实际土体材料以及砂质地基海堤-海床动力相互作用情况,并模拟波浪冲击荷载的作用情况。

    Homogeneous, real soil material and sandy foundation soil are discussed individually, and the condition of wave impact is imitated.


  • 采用双剪应力强度理论,考虑材料拉压强度比,求解在爆炸冲击荷载荷载作用动力响应问题。

    The dynamic response of a simply supported circular plate under moderate impulsive loading is solved with the unified strength theory.


  • 采用双剪应力强度理论,考虑材料拉压强度比,求解在爆炸冲击荷载荷载作用动力响应问题。

    The dynamic response of a simply supported circular plate under moderate impulsive loading is solved with the unified strength theory.


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