• 此外,还可以配置冲洗满足更苛刻要求用户

    It also can meet the severe demands of the customer by equipping with flushing pump.


  • 除雾器冲洗系统主要冲洗喷嘴、冲洗管路阀门压力仪表电气控制部分组成

    The flushing system is composed of flushing nozzle, sluice pump, pipes, valve, pressure gauge and electrical controlling section.


  • 所有管路过滤器液循环槽壳体必须304305不锈钢PVC,CPVC材料制造。

    All pumps, piping, filter vessels, the rinse reservoir, and the housing must be made of 304 or 305 stainless steel or PVC or CPVC.


  • 所有相连的管线彻底冲洗连续检查没有发现垃圾碎块拆掉临时吸入滤器。(请指正)

    After all lines available to the pump have been thoroughly flushed, remove the temporary suction strainer after finding no debris on two successive examinations.


  • 泥浆是在钻探过程中,向钻孔输送泥浆机械

    Mud in the drilling process, the drilling mud or water transport machinery such as washing fluid.


  • 射流代替压机鼓风机进行滤池气水冲洗大大降低设备运行费用

    In the air-water back washing filter, application of jet pump instead of air compressor or blower can considerably save both the installation cost and the running cost.


  • 采用串联式波纹管机械密封代替单端面机械密封,解决了减机械密封冲洗液对介质影响问题。

    The infection of the washing liquid used in the pump at the decompression tower bottom to the medium was introduced.


  • 关闭进行维护保养用淡水进行冲洗大量可能通过管道回流从而损坏

    When the pumps are shut down for maintenance or fresh-water flushing, massive amount of water can backflow through the pipes, damaging the pumps.


  • 输送固体颗粒介质要求对流部件采用耐磨材料必要轴封采用清洁液体冲洗

    The transportation of solid particles media pump for convection component wear-resistant materials used, if necessary, seal with the use of cleaner liquid rinse.


  • 主要用于地质水源浅层石油冻结施工等钻进供给用,介质泥浆清水等,亦可作为以上输液

    Mainly used in geology, shallow water, oil, frozen construction well drilling in the supply of flushing fluid, medium for mud, water, can also be used as an infusion pump above.


  • 输送污水外适用纸浆过滤冲洗冷凝循环灌溉等。

    In addition to conveying the sewage, but also valid for the dredging pumps, pulp pumps, filter cleaning condensate pump, irrigation pumps.


  • 压力巨细取决于钻孔深浅通过通道阻力以及运送冲洗液的性子等。

    Pressure of the pump depends on the depth of drilling, the channel through which irrigation fluid resistance and the nature of delivery of irrigation fluid.


  • 中设有冷却循环回路盖上装有分配

    The pump cover is provided with a cooling wash fluid circular loop inside. The pump cover is provided with a distributing ring.


  • 多功能冲洗,它属于清洗装置涉及冲吸微型

    The utility model discloses a multifunctional washing dirt suction device, belonging to a cleaning device and also relating to a wash-suction micropump.


  • 泥浆原理泥浆钻探进程钻孔运送泥浆机械

    Mud Pump Principle is in the process of drilling mud to the drilling mud or water transmission fluid mechanics.


  • INOXPA系列卫生型转子采用机械密封型密封O型圈密封,单密封冲洗两种

    The shaft sealing in the INOXPA pump it can be by mechanical seal. Lip seal oro-ring seal. These arrangements can also be supplied either with or without flushing.


  • 填料密封机械密封,填料水封冷却冲洗水由水管部件压出引入或外部接入。

    Shaft seal: It adopts packing seal or mechanical seal, The packing seal water or mechanical seal cooling water is leaded from chamber or outside through backflow pipe parts.


  • 柴油机驱动船用我公司根据舰船上的需要自行开发的产品,它柴油机驱动,该型专用船上甲板冲洗以及应急消防等用。

    The diesel engine driven Marine water pump is developed to meet the needs on boat. Driven by diesel engine, this pump is specially used to wash the deck or for fire fighting under emergency.


  • 柴油机驱动船用我公司根据舰船上的需要自行开发的产品,它柴油机驱动,该型专用船上甲板冲洗以及应急消防等用。

    The diesel engine driven Marine water pump is developed to meet the needs on boat. Driven by diesel engine, this pump is specially used to wash the deck or for fire fighting under emergency.


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