• 使用配置可以用户、跨进程变体分配公平性

    Using this configuration, you can assign fairness across users, across processes, or a variation of each.


  • 区分服务网络提供服务带宽分配公平性研究;

    Serv network; (3) fair-ness of excess bandwidth allocation among multiple service classes;


  • 这个体系联系可能捐献器官人与受助人,公开等候器官移植的患者名单增加器官分配透明度公平性

    The new system will link potential donors with recipients and make public a waiting list of patients to increase transparency and fairness in allocating organs.


  • 卫生公平性着重依赖于个人是否能力挑战改变差距极大社会资源不公平分配情况每个人应当有同样资格权利享受这些资源。

    Health equity depends vitally on the empowerment of individuals to challenge and change the unfair and steeply graded distribution of social resources to which everyone has equal claims and rights.


  • 就是说,“错误感知分配公平性会产生社会影响- - -不可能实现公平分配

    That is, 'false' perceptions of distributive justice have social consequences that render the realization of distributive justice impossible.


  • 网络引入采用UDP传输实时媒体业务会导致带宽分配严重公平性,严重的时候会造成大量TCP流被“饿死”,甚至导致新的拥塞崩溃

    More UDP flows running on the network can make the unfairness distribution of network resources badly, and even lots of TCP flows "starved to death " or new congestion collapse.


  • 利用预测控制方法,设计出一种改进拥塞控制算法增强闭环系统鲁棒性稳定性实现了带宽分配公平性

    An improved algorithm is presented based on generalized predictive control, which enhances the stability and robustness of closed-loop systems, and realizes the fairness of bandwidth allocation.


  • 制度正义这种稀缺性资源安排运作分配公正性公平性合理性评价

    Institution justice is the appraisement for this kind of rare justice, fairness and reasonability that is short of resource arrangement, running and distribution.


  • 为了体现用户网络提供商之间公平性提出一个简单资源管理分配动态定价策略

    To show the fairness between user and ISP, a simple resource management and assignment is proposed, plusing a dynamic pricing strategy.


  • 通过用户OFDM系统模型分析,结合对用户公平性的考虑,给出系统中自适应资源分配问题目标函数

    Based on the multiuser OFDM system model and the user fairness, this paper designed the objective function of the adaptive resource allocation problem.


  • 保证网络公平性,首次提出公平队列管理无线资源公平分配联合解决方案

    A joint solution with fair queue management and radio resource allocation was proposed to insure network fairness.


  • 土地资源巨大增值效应,征地代价分配公平性应该引起人们的关注

    Due to the great increment of land resources, it should be paid more attention to the equality of cost distribution in the land -expropriation.


  • 此外方法照顾节点满意程度保证了带宽分配公平性

    In addition, the method also takes into account the satisfaction of the node and ensures the fairness of bandwidth allocation.


  • 因此分配的不公平性一如既往地延续。

    Thus we are left with distributions that are unjust for ever.


  • 根据准则有效性公平性可持续性权重不同取值,给出7水量分配计算方案

    According to the different weights of effectiveness, justice and sustains in principal level, 7 schemes are proposed to probe into the water amount allocation.


  • 分组调度中,带宽资源分配公平性决定算法优劣一个非常重要因素而且公平性也会直接影响数据服务质量。

    In packet scheduling, fairness of bandwidth allocation is a key factor that determines the algorithm is good or on the contrary and fairness affects QoS of data flow directly.


  • 优先级分配问题归结一个公平性为目标组合优化问题提供了解法。

    The priority assignment problem was formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem which was targeted to achieve maximal fairness, and a solution was also provided.


  • 稳健财政政策我国特定环境下采取中性财政政策,主要特征规模适度规避风险分配公平性

    Steady financial policy is one kind of neutral fiscal policy that is adopted under the special background. Its main characteristic is the moderate scale, risk avoidance and fair assignment.


  • 贫困人口医疗救助制度分配正义性理论卫生公平性理论必然要求,是社会排斥重要措施,其必要性贡献性已经越来越多的国家得到论证。

    Medical assistance system, an important measure of Anti-social exclusion must be executed according to the theory of distributive justice and the theory of health equality.


  • 分配规则正当性、分配过程的秩序性分配结果公平性价值目标实现离不开法律确认维护矫正功能的发挥。

    The realization of distributive value goal of course justice and result fairness cannot go without the legal function of affirmation and maintenance and recovery.


  • 第三结合公平性效益型原则污染物总量控制分配中引入环境基尼系数概念

    Thirdly, combined with the equity and efficiency principle, a new conception of environmental Gini coefficient was introduced to total amount control and allocation for the water pollutants.


  • 针对EDD排队策略面向连接带宽分配公平性缺点,本文提出了“面向连接的公平EDD信元接续”策略:FEDD

    For the bandwidth allocation unfairness of EDD scheme to each connection in ATM networks, a "connection oriented fair EDD scheme", FEDD scheme, is proposed.


  • 激励模式特征影响公平性知觉(包括程序性知觉分配性知觉),进而激励效能产生影响作用。

    The characteristics of motivation model affected perceived fairness including procedural justice and distributive justice, thereby influenced on motivation effectiveness.


  • 仿真结果表明方案可以网络负载变化时自适应快速调整理想调度值,有效改进了带宽分配公平性

    Simulation results show that it can quickly and adaptively adjust the scheduling weights to ideal Settings upon the changes of traffic load, which effectively improves the fair...


  • 本文主要研究分配机制能否导致分配公平性证明分割选择机制总是偏袒选择者且有失公平性

    We show that the divide and choose mechanism always favors the chooser and hence fails in view of fairness.


  • 人们带宽分配实现机制很多研究本文就是在前人研究基础上对带宽分配机制的公平性进行进一步研究

    People make many researches on the mechanism of bandwidth allocation, and this paper has made further research on the mechanism of bandwidth allocation based on the earlier researches.


  • 依据带宽分配公平性原则可以实现网络资源合理分配利用,从而提高网络的服务质量。

    According to the fairness of bandwidth allocation policy, we can utilize the network resource more efficiently.


  • 传统正交复用(OFDM)调度进行资源分配没有考虑用户速率比例公平性

    The traditional Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) scheduling does not consider the proportional fairness among users' rates while allocating resource.


  • 传统正交复用(OFDM)调度进行资源分配没有考虑用户速率比例公平性

    The traditional Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) scheduling does not consider the proportional fairness among users' rates while allocating resource.


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