FOR centuries white South Africans had held all the country's assets almost exclusively in their own hands.
A white South African is not really considered African because Africans are supposedly black.
Unless brought up on a farm, few whites speak an African language.
We note with pride that you have acted as the conscience of white South Africa.
We note with pride that you have looked - that you have acted as the conscience of white South Africa.
His voice is fresh within the South African art scene as he strips away the parameters that define the young Afrikaner.
It was not only Mr Mandela's regal charm that won over white South Africans. It was the fact that he took the trouble to study and understand their culture.
It was not only Mr Mandela's regal charm that won over white South Africans.It was the fact that he took the trouble to study and understand their culture.
Four generations on, and the rhythm of life continues much as ever for Afrikaner Bertie Swanepoel, who raises cattle and sheep on his 3, 000-acre ranch in the Free State.
To many Afrikaners, who have grown up playing rough games on sun-baked ground so hard that every tumble draws blood, rugby is little short of everything.
They also know that somewhere between 500, 000 and 1 million white South Africans, depending on whose statistics you believe, now live in Britain.
A year later, he urged his countrymen - black and white - to support their national rugby team, the sports obsession of the nation's Afrikaner population.
The university has been regarded as a bastion for Afrikaners, descendants of Dutch settlers who are often most closely linked with white apartheid rule.
O 'reilly: "While most white South Africans still enjoy lives of privilege and relative wealth, the number of poor whites has risen steadily over the past 15 years."
Perhaps Mandela's most outstanding contribution to world peace, he said, was his call for reconciliation with South Africa's white oppressors, an example that should be emulated by all.
(参见 文章)其组织的成员,包括与特雷布兰奇政见相近的其他欧洲裔南非白人团体成员原本正在为明年的白人选举进行选民登记。
The people manning it, from another Afrikaner outfit with similar views to Mr Terre’Blanche’s, were collecting registrations for an all-white election next year.
Unsurprisingly, their members dislike the black liberation song “Dubhul’ ibhunu”, meaning “Shoot the Boer”, Afrikaans for farmer.
In Vrede's most popular bar, I saw three black workers from a nearby pipeline project flirting with an Afrikaner waitress-a scene unimaginable in 1992.
Landman, 54, is in Malema's parlance a Boer, though he prefers Afrikaner, the name that South Africa's Dutch settlers gave themselves to show fealty to the African land they came to love.
Even so, lots of whites, especially Afrikaners, are beginning to feel that they have suffered in silence for too long.
Improbably, the traumas suffered as a result of South Africa's white-minority rule have now become one of cinema's most fertile territories.
South Africans, white and black, are hugely proud of their achievement.
Almost all whites in South Africa live behind gates, as do well-to-do blacks.
Many of the black elite, who send their children to English-speaking private schools or former white state schools, may accept English emerging as the sole national language.
When the Thongi of South Africa saw whites kissing, they apparently said "Look at them - they eat each others saliva and dirt".