• 对锈蚀变形钢筋混凝土之间粘结力进行了研究。

    The bond strength between corroded deformed bars and concrete is studied.


  • 提出普通热轧变形钢筋活性粉末混凝土极限粘结强度锚固长度计算公式

    The formula is put forward for calculating the ultimate bond stress and the anchorage length of hot-rolled deformed bars and reactive powder concrete.


  • 通过69个试件试验探讨陶粒混凝土变形钢筋之间粘结锚固性能。

    The bonding mechanism between deformed bar and lightweight concrete is discussed in this paper based on the pullout test results of 69 specimens.


  • 前期研究结果比较显示光面钢筋变形钢筋表现相似的电阻-腐蚀率关系

    Comparisons of the current results with those from the previous study indicated that both smooth bar and deformed bar showed a similar electrical resistance-corrosion relationship.


  • 论文通过75个试件试验探讨陶粒混凝土变形钢筋之间粘结锚固性能。

    The bonding mechanism between deformed bar and lightweight concrete is discussed in this paper based on the pullout test results of 75 specimens.


  • 该法可以弯矩剪力共同作用下钢筋混凝土梁截面进行较为准确荷载-变形反应全过程分析

    This method can be used to analyze accurately the complete load-deformation response of RC beams loaded in combined shear, moment, and axial load.


  • 由于钢筋混凝土存在组合抗弯框架刚度特点,内置有型钢的组合节点变形需求比起纯钢抗弯框架节点来要

    Because of the existence of reinforced concrete and the high stiffness in a composite MRF, the deformation demand to the encased steel joints becomes less than in a pure steel MRF.


  • 文章针对体积产生裂缝控制论述钢筋承受变形应力特点

    According to the control of cracks in large concrete, this paper discusses the characteristics of reinforced concrete under deformation stress.


  • 试验基础上对钢筋高强陶拉构件扭作用下受力变形性能进行了研究

    Based on the experimental results, this paper studies the strength and deformation of reinforced high strength haydite aggregate concrete member in torsion and bending.


  • 分析了钢筋混凝土锯齿排架结构设计中柱子截面取值偏小导致结构满足承载力变形要求原因

    Column sections of a reinforced concrete zigzag bent frame structure are designed inadequate so that the bearing capacity and deformation can not be satisfied. The reason is analysed.


  • 测试内容包括预应力锚索锚固摩阻系数混凝土钢筋应力以及结构变形

    The test included anchoring force of prestressed anchor cable, frictional coefficients, stress of concrete and steel bar and structure deformation.


  • 基坑开挖过程中地下连续墙体变形钢筋应力压力沉降进行实时监测

    The deformation of diaphragm walls, steel stresses, soil pressures and settlements were monitored, and the monitoring data during the construction were analyzed.


  • 最后通过实例数值模拟分析,重点讨论刚度模型强震下钢筋凝士框架结构强度变形延性方面特性影响

    Finally, the influences of the negative stiffness model on the behaviors such as strength, deformation and ductility of reinforced concrete frame structures un.


  • 分别进行不同粘贴形式加固钢筋混凝土T形极限承载力变形应力-应变分析。

    The paper respectively carries through the deformation, stress and strain and ultimate flexural resistance of the reinforced concrete Tee-shaped beam under the different gluing forms.


  • 研究高层钢筋混凝土建筑考虑建造过程收缩徐变变形结构分析理论方法

    The structural analysis theory and method of reinforced concrete tall buildings in view of construction procedures and creep deformation of shrinkage were investigated.


  • 分析表明横向剪切变形钢筋混凝土集中荷载影响很大

    The analyses show that the transverse shear deformation effect has a significant influence on the thick reinforced concrete slabs and the concentrated load condition.


  • 有严重变形时应用手提切割机切割气焊切割、矫正保证钢筋端面垂直轴线

    If serious deformation is occurred, the manual operated cutter or gas cutter to be used for correction to ensure the re-bar end surface perpendicular to the axis.


  • 此基础提出了考虑混凝土种类预应力拉方式以及钢筋配筋徐变变形设计建议

    Based on the above research, design Suggestions taking the types of concrete, the tensioning measures of prestressed steel bar and the rate of reinforcement into account were given.


  • 试验表明,伸节点钢筋粘结滑移对构件的变形滞回特性有明显影响

    The tests also show that the bond slippage of reinforcements in the joint area affects the deflection and the hysteresis loops of the specimens significantly.


  • 变形能力不确定方面研究了截面钢筋混凝土桥墩曲率极限状态曲率延性系数

    The curvature limit state and curvature ductility factor of circular reinforced concrete bridge piers are investigated in terms of the uncertainty in deformation capacity.


  • 另外卸载,在受拉状态对于锚杆钢筋变形一定程度的恢复

    In addition, there is a certain recovery of deformation for pile body and anchor steel under the forward tension condition after unloading.


  • 本文讨论了钢筋混凝土框架结构温度荷载类型温度分布规律分析了钢筋混凝土框架结构温度变形和温度应力产生原因。

    This paper discusses the kinds of thermal load and regularities of temperature distribution in reinforced concrete frame structure, analyzes the cause of thermal deformation and thermal stress.


  • 现代抗震设计思想允许相应钢筋混凝土结构构件的控制部位强烈地震作用进入屈服弹性变形状态

    According to the modern seismic conception, the critical zone of the RC member can be in the state of inelastic deformation after yield under strong motion.


  • 通过混凝土受压应变钢筋受拉应变限值得到钢筋混凝土变形限值。

    Through the limits applied on concrete compression strain and steel tensile strain, the deformation limits on RC beams and columns are developed.


  • 分析了钢筋混凝土锯齿排架结构设计柱子截面取值偏小导致结构满足承载力变形要求的原因。

    Column sections of a reinforced concrete zigzag bent frame structure are designed inadequate so that the bearing capacity and deformation can not be satisfied.


  • 填充块材强度弹性低时,钢筋混凝土单元结构变形能力

    When the compressive strength and elastic module of concrete masonry units is lower, the deformation capacity of the fundamental reinforced concrete frame becomes better.


  • 普通钢筋混凝土连续箱梁产生开裂过大变形等问题产生原因进行了一定的探讨。

    The reasons of cracking and large deformation on common reinforced concrete continuous beam bridge were discussed.


  • 一个四层大比例模型钢筋混凝土框架振动试验发现模型框架结构具有很强的水平变形能力

    The shaking table test of a 4-story large-scale reinforced concrete model frame indicated that the model structure has abundant capacity of lateral seismic deformation.


  • 一个四层大比例模型钢筋混凝土框架振动试验发现模型框架结构具有很强的水平变形能力

    The shaking table test of a 4-story large-scale reinforced concrete model frame indicated that the model structure has abundant capacity of lateral seismic deformation.


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