While improved CDRs have a dramatic short-term effect on TB incidence, maintaining those rates, even at current target levels, may not reduce long-term incidence by more than 1–2% per year.
Conclusion: Marrow morphology and X-ray were good methods for diagnosis of NB, B ultrasonic and CT can improve positive incidence.
Conclusion: Combined application of various detecting methods may increase the detection rate of micrometastasis of gastric cancer.
Conclusion Dynamic bolus enhancement scanning with helical ct can display early enhancement of prostatic carcinoma in some patients, and, thus, increase the detection rate of the tumor.
Meantime, dobutamine stress test increases the detection rate of the early left ventricular dysfunction in diabetic patients.
In addition, some studies showed that pathologic serial sectioning may improve the identification of lymph node metastases.
Conclusions Electromyography, especially for SCV of superficial sural nerve, can rise the diagnostic rate of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in type 2 diabetes patients who were first time diagnosed.
Conclusions Ultrasound contrast agent Levovist improves signal of blood flow obviously. It increases the diagnostic accuracy for intracranial aneurysms and the level of confidence.
Conclusion: Most of patients with unexplained syncope have VS. ISOHUT may increase the positive rate. Metoprolol is an effective drug in treatment of VS.
ConclusionCombined detection of AFP and CRP can increase the detection rate of hepatic carcinoma and it has practical value in diagnosing and differential diagnosis of hepatic carcinoma.
Conclusion: G_1 cell is recognized easily, and it's more sensitive and accurate with acanthocyte counts of multiple urine than that of single urine for hematuria position diagnosis.
采用生物活性染料- 放射性核素联合示踪法、病理连续切片及免疫组化染色可提高前哨淋巴结活检的检出率及准确性。
Combined techniques and pathologic ultrastaging may increase the identification rate and decrease the false negative rate in patients with SLNB.
Despite high mutation detection rate, many HBOC cases remain without identified cause.
Conclusions Rises of chromosome aberration and micronuclei frequency are caused by lowdose and long…
Conclusions Rises of chromosome aberration and micronuclei frequency are caused by lowdose and long…