Many people believe that Friday the 13th is a very unlucky day.
"Friday the 13th" is one of the world's most well-known superstitions.
There seem to be two main reasons why Friday the 13th is regarded as an unlucky day.
THE International Olympic Committee votes in Copenhagen on Friday October 2nd to determine which city will play host for the 2016 games.
This belief is so widespread that there is a horror movie called Friday the Thirteenth.
Yesterday was Friday the 13th. Many people believe that Friday the 13th is a very unlucky day. I, myself, didn't think so... until yesterday.
7月2 4号星期五,美国联邦最低工资上涨70美分,达到7.25美元,这是自2007年来的第三次上调。
ON FRIDAY July 24th the federal minimum wage in America rises by 70 cents to $7.25 an hour, the third rise since 2007.
Cast commentary on Friday the 13th - Part 3 by author Peter Bracke and actors Larry Zerner, Paul Kratka, Dana Kimmell and Richard Brooker.
你会选择在13号的星期五那天进行手术 么?
At that hour, midday Friday, the U.S. Navy hospital ship Comfort had temporarily suspended flights for incoming patients because the ship's casualty receiving department was beyond capacity.
这是个星期五,凯和瑞拉已经在太空飞行了三周。他们结束了工作,离开OM - 45号宇宙飞船,乘航天飞机飞往基桑加尼。
On Friday, after three weeks in space, Kiah and Rilla finished work and left Ship OM-45 on a space plane to Kisangani.
On Friday the 13th, some people are so superstitious that they go as far as to refuse to leave the house.
The hearings are tentatively scheduled for Friday, September 25 at 9:00 am.
The three-man crew of the Shenzhou (" sacred vessel ") Seven settled into their duties after reaching their final orbit 343 kilometers above the Earth earlier today (Friday).
Earlier Friday, an official with Japan's nuclear regulatory agency told reporters about the possible damage to the reactor core, which is located in Fukushima's number three unit.
We humans are a superstitious lot, believing that Friday the 13th is bad luck and finding a penny is good luck.
We humans are a superstitious lot, believing that Friday the 13th is bad luck and finding a penny is good luck.