The critical manipulation in this study was that half of the participants thought they were competing against a gay male, whereas the other half thought they were competing against a straight male.
Studies suggest that the majority of gender-variant boys will grow up to be gay men, with experts putting the figure at anywhere from 70 percent to 95 percent.
An earlier study by the same team found gay men and straight women outperformed lesbians and straight men at tasks designed to test verbal fluency.
Researchers who did follow-up interviews with some respondents also noticed significant changes in the way people spoke about gay issues over the last seven years.
The results confirmed what the investigators suspected they'd find: the gay men and straight women scored about equally well in the test, and both did better than the straight men.
Scientists at the prestigious Stockholm Brain Institute in Sweden also found certain brain circuits linked to emotional responses were the same in gay men and straight women.
Children who later become gay or lesbian are more likely to differ from these expected traits, or gender conformity, said a team from Queen Mary University in London.
The findings from the various studies the APA looked at reflect differences in minority populations including African Americans, Hispanics and gay men.
Fifty-eight percent of those surveyed for the Pew Research Center poll said they favor having openly gay people serve in the military, while 27 percent were against it.
Overall, in 2003 the researchers found that 20 - to 29-year-olds were the most supportive of gay marriage; by 2010, that group had expanded upward to age 38.
在一项初步实验中,来自Tufts大学的研究人员NicholasRule和Nalini Ambady从在线约会网站中精选了45张异性恋照片和45张男同性恋照片。
In an initial experiment, researchers Nicholas Rule and Nalini Ambady from Tufts University perused online dating sites and carefully selected 45 straight male faces and 45 gay male faces.
But at the State University of New York, two evolutionary psychologists were puzzled to discover that lesbians show no McClintock effect.
In this Californian survey, gay men were more likely than straight men to say they had been diagnosed with cancer, but it's not clear from this study why this might be.
The research studies the process of gender identity and lesbian identity of lesbian by interviewing with three lesbian cases on their life history and emotional history.
工作环境歧视同性恋者对雇主会造成多大的损失?工作-生活政策中心(the Centerfor Work-Life Policy)一项新的研究对此进行了量化分析。
New research from the Center for Work-Life Policy quantifies the cost to employers when the workplace environment is unfriendly to gays and lesbians.
That's in line with an earlier study that had indicated gay men's brain responses were different from straight men though the difference for men was more pronounced than has now been found in women.
I like study the buggers's psychology or the narcissistic homoerotism.
Researchers in the United States say a pill already used to treat HIV patients reduces the risk of new infections in gay men by 44%, more if the pill is taken regularly.
A new, highly drug-resistant strain of the "flesh-eating" MRSA bacteria is being spread among gay men in San Francisco and Boston, researchers reported on Monday.
A new, highly drug-resistant strain of the "flesh-eating" MRSA bacteria is being spread among gay men in San Francisco and Boston, researchers reported on Monday.