Modern businessman law exactly is the outcome and behavior of the transformation.
But on one hand, the uncertain characteristic of Lex Mercatoria has exposed by and by.
The common law, including "merchant law" rule, except that contravened the provisions of this law, will continue to apply to bills of exchange, promissory notes and checks.
Rules for Cases not provided for in this act in any case not provided for in this act the rules of law and equity, including the law merchant, shall govern.
Rules for cases not provided for in this act in any case not provided for in this act the rules of law and equity including the law merchant shall govern.
第五条 适用于本法未做规定情形的规则法律的和衡平的规则包括商人法将适用于本法未做规定的情形。
Rules for Cases Not Provided for in this Act In any case not provided for in this act the rules of law and equity, including the law merchant, shall govern.
The application of law of the international contract experienced an origin and development that went to law of nations to law merchant in the Middle Ages from conflict of laws to unify private law.
苏莱曼·阿尔·法希姆(Sulaiman al-Fahim')入主朴茨茅斯俱乐部仅仅六周,这段难熬的经历在昨晚终结,他已经签署协议,将俱乐部90%的股份出售给一位沙特阿拉伯商人阿里·阿尔·法拉吉(Ali al-Faraj)。
Portsmouth owner ended last night after only six weeks when he completed a deal to sell 90% of the club to the Saudi Arabian businessman Ali al-Faraj.
She remains in overall artistic control of the Herge Studios in Brussels (day to day the studios are run by Fanny's second husband, Nick Rodwell, a British businessman).
Merchants and individuals are free to choose which currencies they accept, and in the absence of legal tender laws I believe that alternative currencies will gain more traction.
One issue which is still unclear is why Gaydamak did not sell to Faraj in August when Storrie believed he had brokered a deal for the Saudi to take over, only for Fahim to buy Portsmouth.
The merchants of western Europe generally followed the law of the Italian commercial cities, hence the influence of Roman law was quite strong in this field.
The new international businessman customs about capital management.
Receiving a sharp slap on the shoulder, I turned, and, to my amazement, saw Farmerson, our ironmonger.
From the seventeenth century onwards the customs of merchants and many of the rules of the law merchant were incorporated into the common law.
商人很同情他,于是把马借给了仆人。 仆人立马朝着伊斯法罕出发了。
The merchant took pity on him and lent him the horse, and the servant left in the hope that he would be in Isfahan that night.
Some salespeople adopt a direct 'hard sell 'approach, while others use a more indirect 'soft sell 'approach.
Some salespeople adopt a direct 'hard sell 'approach, while others use a more indirect 'soft sell 'approach.