This paper discusses the return loss in air-space type fixed optical attenuator.
Several kinds of measurement principles and methods for optical return loss (ORL) are introduced.
FIG. 5 is an exemplary return-loss plot for the multi-band antenna system.
For the fault location and structural return loss (SRL) measurement function.
Fault location or DTF mode indicates VSWR or Return Loss levels at each point along the cable and antenna system length.
The synthesis of the cross coupled filter is from prescribed transmission zeros and return loss till the attainment of the coupling matrix of each cavity.
SRL (structural return loss) is one of the important indicators of telecom cables, while the capacitance in water of cable may reflect the periodic defect of the production line.
Except a return Loss measurement is made by injecting a DM signal into the pair and measuring the DM signal returned. Here we are measuring the CM signal returned which is TCL.
Results show that different EBG structures have different effects on the patch antenna. The performance such as gain, bandwidth and return loss of the conventiona…
按照波动理论,在忽略衰减损耗的情况下,回波振幅( )。
Based upon wave theory and ignoring attenuation losses, the echo amplitude is.
按照波动理论,在忽略衰减损耗的情况下,回波振幅( )。
Based upon wave theory and ignoring attenuation losses, the echo amplitude is.