Some lenders will look more favorably on your account if illness or job loss affected your finances.
Nan, go tell Dinah that we're going to take a trolley. We can each carry something.
I remember now that she was a bound girl and did not know where her father and mother were.
She was a slight thing, and when she had been married for three or four years, and after the two children were born, her slender shoulders became stooped.
三个傣族村寨村民利用的野生蔬菜有228种, 分属于75个科,其中曼安村寨147 种, 曼伞村寨144 种,曼广囡村寨105 种。
A total of 228 plant species belonging to 75 families was recorded that used by local people as wild vegetable , among which , 147 for Man'an , 144 for Mansan and 105 for Manguangnan were recorded.
三个傣族村寨村民利用的野生蔬菜有228种, 分属于75个科,其中曼安村寨147 种, 曼伞村寨144 种,曼广囡村寨105 种。
A total of 228 plant species belonging to 75 families was recorded that used by local people as wild vegetable , among which , 147 for Man'an , 144 for Mansan and 105 for Manguangnan were recorded.