Furthermore, the engineering implication of the field soil-water characteristic curve is also discussed in this paper.
The soil-water characteristic curve was reckoned by using MK model based on the basic soil parameters of unsaturated expansive soil.
The shear strength curve and compressed curve and soil-water characteristic curve as well as triaxial stress-strain curve of intact loess were obtained.
Permeability coefficient is derived from field SWCC, which is of significance for actual engineering.
The original saturation distribution of reservoirs can be obtained through experimental research on soil-water characteristic curve of reservoir sample and in-situ survey data.
The relationships between water content and suction in the soil can be expressed as soil-water characteristic curves (SWCC). Based on the test on SWCC of an expansive so…
Based on the field monitored results of volumetric water content and matric suction, field soil-water characteristic curves for the soils at different depths at the crest are determined.
In this paper, mathematical models of soil-water characteristic curve are studied and divided into four types by the patterns of mathematical models.
At the same time, aiming at the influences of soil-water characteristic curve, they make a series of tests discuss the different influences, provide effective references for the practical projects.
Strength, volumetric strain and permeability coefficient, and even moisture-distribution above ground water surface can be determined by the soil-water characteristic curve.
Based on the equation of soil water feature curve and the relationship between soil water feature curve and permeability function, the permeability function equation of unsaturated soil is derived.
Under different temperature and densities, the soil-water characteristic curves of unsaturated loess were deterrined by centrifuge tests.
The permeability coefficient and pore-water pressure relationship, and the soil-water characteristic curve are represented using exponential functions.
The successful experience can be used for reference by congener test. The soil-water characteristic curve can be appied to engineering practice.
The successful experience can be used for reference by congener test. The soil-water characteristic curve can be appied to engineering practice.