• 马尔库塞提出文化大拒绝“左”口号,只是当代工具合理性批判,其要害在于他改变马克思虚假意识概念科学内涵。

    The idea of the culture abnegation Marcuse brought up is not only the criticism to current tool's rationality, but also the change in the concept of phoniness Marx raised.


  • 由于政见所有好莱坞制片公司都拒绝

    She was blacklisted by all the major Hollywood studios because of her political views.


  • 所以农夫拒绝支付

    That was a lot of money, so the farmer refused to pay it.


  • 为了省钱父母拒绝我们一起进来;他们外面广场上溜达,就好像重复着他们晨练

    To save money, my parents declined to go in with us; they sauntered in the big square as if repeating their morning constitutional.


  • 尽管印度第四二氧化碳排放国,拒绝承诺限制自己排放量争论按每个印度人的排放量计算,其排放不算多

    Though it is the fourth-biggest carbon-emitter, it refuses to promise to curb the growth of its emissions, arguing that these are still modest per Indian.


  • 陪审团拒绝起诉尔特先生之后,联邦调查局邮件欺诈罪名逮捕了库尔特先生,20监禁,在今年才被一位法官释放。

    After a grand jury refused to indict Mr Kurtz, the bureau then pursued him with a mail-fraud charge carrying a sentence of up to 20 years, which a judge dismissed this year.


  • 辩护结束前,请出了朱莉·希亚特·斯蒂尔后者证明斯塔尔的做法也是如出一辙,在两次拒绝陪审团前作伪证之后,斯塔尔就对她进行了指控。

    To close her defense, she called Julie Hiatt Steele, who testified that Starr had done exactly that to her, indicting her after she twice refused to lie for him in a grand jury proceeding.


  • 虽然竞选时曾经答应企业的化学废料处理严加规定,但是现在他却拒绝这样做。

    Now he refuses to tighten regulations on chemical wastes although he promised to during the campaign.


  • 过去几年以色列总是抛出一理由是安全方面的),以此来无视拒绝这样要求,但奥巴马米切尔仍坚持认为这些要求必须实行

    Over the years, Israel has cited many reasons, mostly security-linked, to ignore or reject such demands. Messrs Obama and Mitchell still think it worth making them.


  • 迈克尔罗丽娜·托玛洛夫妇向瑞典税务局申请他们六个月女儿取名传奇摇滚乐队Metallica,但遭到了拒绝

    Sweden's tax agency rejected Michael and Karolina Tomaro's application to name their 6-month-old daughter after the legendary rock band.


  • 就带来了一个问题加泰罗尼亚仅次于安达卢西亚的西班牙第二地区如果拒绝进一步缩减,恐怕西班牙的赤字数额GDP的比例0.25%。

    And therein lies a problem. Catalonia is Spain's second-biggest region, after Andalusia. If it refuses to cut any more, it could add some 0.25% of GDP to Spain's deficit.


  • 因此马拉维法庭拒绝领养女孩Chifundo James,这位流行歌手一定非常气馁

    So the pop star must have been dismayed when a court in Malawi refused to her request to adopt a three-year-old girl, Chifundo James.


  • 如果 Mac 用户,你会发现有很多非常的网站为了防止页面字体模糊而拒绝使用 CSS,他们很可能使用px作为字体尺寸,而这种选择所隐含思想就是设计者也是主宰者”。

    Chances are they are using points as a measure of font size. Underlying this choice is the “designer is controllerphilosophy.


  • 为什么穆加贝现在竟会考虑这么条件此前如此无所顾忌地藐视拒绝这些条件?

    Why should Mr Mugabe even consider meeting this array of conditions, when he has so blatantly flouted or rejected them in the past?


  • 声明中,哥伦比亚拒绝雷诺兹声明进行评论指出无论论文只是招生委员会考虑图景一部分

    In a statement, Columbia declined to comment on Reynolds' statements but noted that the essays-whoever writes them-are just one part of the big picture that admissions committees are considering.


  • 这位律师泰勒在法官因为辩方书面总结提交时间晚了20拒绝接受这份文件抵制了星期二部分法律程序

    The lawyer and his client boycotted much of the proceedings on Tuesday, after judges rejected a summary of the defense's case because it was filed 20 days late.


  • 意味着可以不再拒绝那些格式良好文档然而默认非常能够处理多数实际应用中的文档。

    This means you may end up rejecting some genuinely well-formed documents; however, the default values are quite large and can handle most realistic documents.


  • 我们面临工作时,我们试图拒绝开工,这使得拖延症更加肆无忌惮。

    Procrastination bites worst when we're faced with a large task that we're trying to avoid starting.


  • 以色列拒绝此安排,声称为谈判设置条件兹事体

    But Israel had rejected that, saying it amounted to placing conditions on the negotiations.


  • 美国其他银行拒绝透露它们是否同样遭受了网络攻击

    Other large U.S.-based Banks declined to comment on whether they have faced similar attacks.


  • 以色列拒绝此安排,声称为谈判设置条件兹事体。以色列一直要求美国单独提出邀请

    But Israel had rejected that, saying it amounted to placing conditions on the negotiations. Israel had been demanding a separate invitation from the U.S..


  • 这是付了结果“,拒绝透露确切数字。”

    "I feel like I paid a whole lot of money for it," she said, declining to say how much.


  • 宣称说这项技术同时也可用来伦敦地铁系统提供冷气尽管伦敦交通委员会拒绝这个很有希望成本方案

    The technology could also cool the London Underground network he claimed, though Transport for London has balked at the likely cost.


  • 于是,凝胶状引发了众的关注正如当初人们拒绝研究紧紧包裹在一起掉的通心粉状物质一样

    The gelatinous brain moved into the spotlight, as resistant to study as a giant mass of tightly packed cold spaghetti.


  • 于是,凝胶状引发了众的关注正如当初人们拒绝研究紧紧包裹在一起掉的通心粉状物质一样

    The gelatinous brain moved into the spotlight, as resistant to study as a giant mass of tightly packed cold spaghetti.


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