But the word "gamification" and the widespread, conscious application of the concept only began in earnest about five years ago, Werbach says.
Some five years ago, high school seniors in America generally spent more than six hours a day on electronic devices.
About five years ago, he became aware of the huge volume of carbon dioxide produced by a single 1, 900-mile trip on the jet.
About 5 years ago I switched to eating primarily whole organic foods and my children seem to be more alert, happy, sleep better and also seem to do better in school.
After photographs are scanned and databases checked, the painting is identified as the other Renoir, Jeune Parisienne, stolen nearly five years ago in Sweden.
About five years ago, Tom was approached by the owners of a competing company, Stereo Super Stores. They wanted him to buy them out.
Until about five years ago, the very idea that peptide hormones might be made anywhere in the brain besides the hypothalamus was astounding.
When Dadaab opened two decades ago, a family of five lived on a plot of land that was about the same area as a small house.
Roughly 100 years ago, Argentina was one of the top-five richest nations in the world.
As I gave up drinking some 11 years ago, it would rank in my top five worst places for a night out.
When I started this company back almost nine, ten years ago, I started to recruit talents, recruit engineers, and I wrote in the job description that requires five-plus years of related experience.
A new look at Stephan's Quintet, a compact group of galaxies discovered about 130 years ago and located 280 million light years from Earth.
In the Netherlands, about 70 percent of all trees in urban areas show the same symptoms, compared with only 10 percent five years ago.
Here's the idea: Neanderthals disappeared about thirty-five-thousand years ago.
It comes exactly five years after he became the oldest Briton to swim the Channel, which although is around 23 miles, due to tides, Roger was forced to swim almost double that.
It was like 11 years ago that we started doing it and then we finished doing it five years ago.
It was like 11 years ago that we started doing it and then we finished doing it five years ago.