• 婴儿食物需求天天都在变化

    A baby's need for food can vary from day to day.


  • 好,所以走路回家了。

    It was a lovely day so I walked home.


  • 投诉似乎成了天天发生的事。

    Complaints seemed to be an everyday occurrence.


  • 这次旅行天天下雨我们大失所望

    To our great disappointment , it rained every day of the trip.


  • 这样机会不是天天都有的。

    Opportunities such as this did not come every day.


  • 随着日子天天过去,越来越绝望

    With every day that passed he became ever more despairing.


  • 夜空红色往往预兆第二晴朗

    A red sky at night often indicates fine weather the next day.


  • 天天靠看电视解闷儿

    She watches television to relieve the monotony of everyday life.


  • 来说似乎天天一样

    Every day seemed the same to him.


  • 我们盼望星期

    We are hoping for good weather on Sunday.


  • 奎因就回来了。

    Quinn returned shortly after daylight yesterday morning.


  • 这些花草需要天天浇水

    The plants want to be watered daily.


  • 随着日子天天过去,花粉变得

    As the day goes on, the pollen dries up and becomes hard.


  • 雷维罗警官说乞讨而被捕的事情天天都有。

    Sergeant Rivero says arrests for panhandling take place every day.


  • 伴多云。

    Today it will be dull and overcast.


  • 他们改进

    They're improving day by day.


  • 我们天天米饭

    We eat rice every single day.


  • 天天挺好

    It was a braw day.


  • 采购员天天备料东奔西走

    The purchasing agent rushes around every day to secure materials.


  • 隔天上,不是天天上。

    This class meets every other day, not every day.


  • ,是不是?

    The weather wasn't too bad yesterday, was it?


  • 这些花草需要天天浇水

    The plants want watering daily.


  • 我们天天写作业

    We do homework daily.


  • 怎么样?

    What's the weather like today?


  • 怎么样?

    What is the weather like today?


  • 天天跳舞

    I dance daily.


  • 天天开心

    Happy every day!


  • 闷热又潮湿,阴沉沉的。

    It was muggy and overcast.


  • 离开日本时间天天临近了。

    The time for my departure from Japan was drawing nearer every day.


  • 我们过去的,天天混下去。

    We will muddle through and just play it day by day.


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