Most TB cases are in South and East Asia, Africa and West Pacific nations.
Hawaii was selected as the site for Conference because of its cultural diversity and its proximity to the Pacific Rim Countries.
The United States of America may have started as a series of ports and cities along the Atlantic Ocean, but for generations we have also been a nation of the Pacific.
Across the Pacific, scores of countries were on tsunami alert, with experts expressing particular concern about low-lying islands.
TSUNAMIS that struck in the South Pacific on Tuesday September 29th were nowhere near as devastating as the waves that hit countries around the Indian Ocean in December 2004.
A puzzling and troubling finding is relatively high rates of lung cancer among nonsmoking women in parts of Pacific Rim countries.
National forests are areas like the great redwood forests of the Pacific Northwest.
The most obvious example was that Indian Ocean nations lacked a tsunami-warning system like the one in the Pacific, but that omission may be forgivable.
The most obvious example was that Indian Ocean nations lacked a tsunami-warning system like the one in the Pacific, but that omission may be forgivable.