It was also a wonderful prescription for holding a marriage together.
The duration of marriage is related most obviously to the expectation of life.
Certain personality traits can affect a couple's ability to adjust to marriage.
Yes, its funny, and simply part and parcel of a cross-cultural relationship.
Does this mean that daughters are matrimonially risky and sons are marriage saviors?
Ever since I understood the concept of wedlock, I longed for a partner that I could trust.
Below, 12 tweets that perfectly capture what married life is really like in less than 140 characters.
Freedom in marriage made women able to obtain a greater freedom and higher status.
Today many couples also receive counseling during engagement. This prepares them for the challenges of married life.
So far she had managed to postpone the gauna, the transition to married life in his household.
Marriage troubles is that every woman heart to usurp the role of the mother, and the man is acting the bachelor.
Does this mean that daughters are matrimonially risky and sons are marriage saviors? Not so fast, psychologists say.
Virginia Woolf's family background complex, the conflicts, plus the bumpy marriage, cast her unique character.
More young urban couples are going in for prenuptial agreements detailing the rules of conduct for almost every aspect of married life.
Today many couples also receive counseling during engagement. This prepares them for the challenges of married life.
Everyday demands overwhelmed their earlier vision of married life: a dream of four or five decades of thriving careers interspersed with romantic evenings and weekends.
At weekends or holidays, do not forget to go out and have a nice dinner with her, breathe fresh air, to free from the old module of marriage life for a while.
Without love, spouses are poorly motivated to remain married for life, but with the restoration of love and its accompanying instinct to spend life together, the threat of divorce is overcome.
There are many useful assessments that can help you gauge the health of your relationship including the Marital Satisfaction Inventory, Marital Adjustment Test, and the Quality of Marriage Index.
The 50-plus divorcee does not necessarily think of protecting him or herself from HIV when launching into a new relationship, perhaps after years of marriage.
The Mourn loaded the emotion of Lu Xun 's abundant heart, and it is not only the direct prediction of Zhu an's destiny, but also the review and the farewell of the old marital life.
"Style words in the spouses' poems were more similar during happier periods of their relationships and less synchronized toward each relationship's end," Ireland says.
Meanwhile, the bathroom features two industrial sinks, in anticipation of the owner's marriage. It is tiled in a mix of square white tiles and hexagonal dark grey tiles.
It is also the story of my marriage, but despite the thirty years that Jane and I have spent together, I suppose I should begin by admitting that others know far more about marriage than I.
It is also the story of my marriage, but despite the thirty years that Jane and I have spent together, I suppose I should begin by admitting that others know far more about marriage than I.