• 是个完美主义发表那些完全满意的成果

    He was such a perfectionist that he published only those results that satisfied him completely.


  • 更新14:来自Adam视频显示手机完全受影响。这个现象很有趣。 (译注:翻译时译发现YOUTUBE上显示上传删除了视频,貌似这个该读后来也遇到了这个问题。)

    Update 14: Look! Reader Adam posts this video of his phone not having this problem. Very interesting.


  • 知道多么完美地履行这些职责受害提供补偿金决定需要高管多少薪资完全不同

    I do not know how well he carried out these duties, but determining compensation of victims is entirely different from what is required to set compensation of executives.


  • 最早支持之一,因而完全资格批评

    He was one of my earliest supporters and had every right to condemn me.


  • 所以即便继任完全按照乔布斯不是史蒂夫·乔布斯。

    So even if his replacements do exactly what Steve Jobs would have done, it's still not Steve Jobs.


  • 及至今日墨西哥,蒙特·祖玛仍诟病控制危险规模没有迅速的肃清入侵本来完全可以做到

    Even today in Mexico Moctezuma is reviled for failing to grasp the scale of the danger, and to eliminate the intruders immediately, as he almost certainly could have done.


  • 最近的一份研究报告中,抱怨道:“人们对利润没有敬意因为投资选择更高的利润完全看做是一个周期性现象

    In a recent paper, he complains that "profits get no respect" because investors are choosing to view the higher profits as an entirely cyclical phenomenon.


  • 宣称接受投资完全人的利益着想,于是投资们对报以狂热忠诚

    He claimed to accept money from investors as a form of altruism, and they rewarded him with fanatic loyalty.


  • 完全不同观点英国医生奥尔·德姆爵士提出的,国家健康服务临床生产力领导

    A refreshingly different perspective is provided by Sir John Oldham, a British doctor who is clinical lead for productivity in the National Health Service.


  • 意味着完全可以白宫时那样继续生活享受着簇拥在身边追随们对出色业绩的奉承,美国地方的民众对的业绩看法恰恰相反。

    That means he can continue life exactly as it was in the White House: surrounded by sycophants telling him he is doing a brilliant job while the rest of the country thinks the opposite.


  • 高中之前姜浩读书无用论”拥护完全父母的感染。

    Before senior middle school, affected by his parents, Jiang Hao upheld the notion that study was useless.


  • 不是,《理查二世》主题思想威尔逊说的完全不同说的也是真的,博林·布鲁克看做篡位

    It's not at all the point that a broad, ideological view of Richard II was any different from what Wilson said; that was perfectly true. Bolingbroke was considered a usurper.


  • 尽管可能鼓励人们进行HIV测试有好事祖马先生的阴性结果暗示冒险行为并非完全愚蠢。

    Although he may have encouraged people to take HIV tests, some may take Mr Zuma's negative result to imply that his risky behaviour was not so foolish after all.


  • 第二,心里一个完全不同继任—这个人可能拉德科夫(让人吃惊的祖布科夫)。

    A second is that he has a wholly different successor in mind-who might be Mr Fradkov himself (or, even more surprisingly, Mr Zubkov).


  • 完全理由相信,因为参加选举的数千支持正面临着生命危险。

    He rightly felt that, by standing in the election, he was risking the lives of too many thousands of his supporters.


  • 有时倾向选择,很喜欢但完全合格,例如不得力的军事指挥

    But sometimes he had a tendency to pick people whom he liked a lot but were totally unqualified, military commanders who weren't very good.


  • 斯匡托——一个英语的印第安,同情这些可怜的人们,教给如何种植玉米,如何给土壤施肥。之前,在土地没有完全解冻的时候,教给殖民实用的技能:如何捕鱼

    But before that, before the ground had even fully thawed, he taught them a perhaps more valuable skill: how to catch a fatty, nutritious fish that would sustain them in the worst of winters.


  • 尼尔领先时代因为大多数IT主管尤其是大型机构的IT主管,通常那些面向消费技术表示怀疑甚至完全禁止该类软件的使用。

    Mr Sannier is ahead of his time because most IT bosses, especially at large organisations, tend to be sceptical of consumer technologies and often ban them outright.


  • 完全一个反应迟钝演讲

    He is quite a dull speaker.


  • 完全是幕后的操纵嘛”某一与会

    "He completely stole the show," said one.


  • 表现就像融合了个幻想曲作曲家灵感一个实践的完成一样,完全就是古典足球一个纯粹模范10号,用一连串速度有技术的表现鼓舞着队友,技术上来说完美干预比赛带领队友前进。

    This was the performance of a complete No10 in the classic mould, a fantasist and a finisher in one package, inspiring his colleagues with a flow of nimble-witted, technically flawless interventions.


  • MrRitchie认为新的法律条款有效。但是更想完全废除限制居住规定,感化看护人员针对性侵犯个人提出建议

    Mr Ritchie thinks the new rules are better, but he would rather get rid of the residency restrictions entirely and let probation officers make recommendations for each individual offender.


  • 完全那些创意弄得神魂颠倒了,”说道“我问设计哪儿搞来这个咖啡?”’

    "I was blown away by the creativity," he says. "I asked the lead designer: 'Where did you get this coffee scale?"'


  • 说,并进一步补充道:以色列完全能力制造Stuxnet,而且这样攻击几乎没有任何弊端因为证明病毒制造是谁几乎可能

    Israel certainly has the ability to create Stuxnet, he adds, and there is little downside to such an attack, because it would be virtually impossible to prove who did it.


  • 钱伯斯完全把iPod竞争放在心上,一个典型iTunes音乐大概只有3%的音乐受保护的,大多数音乐早已其它播放器上播放。

    Mr Jobs is unfazed by rivals to the iPod: he notes that, since only 3% of the music in a typical iTunes library is protected, most of it can already be used on other players today.


  • 金融机构投资并不寻求完美的完全透明市场认为完善中可以新的机会

    Financial firms and investors are not looking for perfect, totally transparent markets, he thinks, so much as new opportunities to capitalize on imperfections.


  • 现在担心wheatsheaf客户完全挤掉了求职特别是年轻人的职位。

    Now, he frets, every client that Wheatsheaf places in work merely displaces other job-seekers, notably young ones.


  • 尽管Orascom建筑工业公司完全出售的水泥业务,但是大多数新兴巨头更倾向于“让产易”(包括母公司回购其子公司的部分股本出售一小部分股份新的投资)。

    Although OCI sold its business outright, many emerging giants prefer spin-offs, which involve distributing shares in a subsidiary to the parent’s owners or selling a minority stake to new investors.


  • 尽管Orascom建筑工业公司完全出售的水泥业务,但是大多数新兴巨头更倾向于“让产易”(包括母公司回购其子公司的部分股本出售一小部分股份新的投资)。

    Although OCI sold its business outright, many emerging giants prefer spin-offs, which involve distributing shares in a subsidiary to the parent’s owners or selling a minority stake to new investors.


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