• 已经显示机制实际消除损坏干细胞

    They've shown that this mechanism is actually removing damaged stem cells.


  • 缺点这个策略不是最佳选择原因第一,在实际迁移磁盘可能会摔落损坏磁盘。

    Cons: there are four reasons why this strategy is not the wisest option. First, there is a chance that you could drop or damage the disks while physically transporting them.


  • 没有数字参数个体实际似乎得更好一些可能是因为指令简单变异可能损坏DNA 吧。

    Without the numeric parameters, the individuals actually seemed to do better, perhaps because mutations are less likely to damage the DNA when instructions are simpler.


  • 布朗实际情况15已经损坏而且我们调查显示损坏是由于包装不当引起

    Brown: But the fact is that 15 cases were damaged. And our investigation shows that improper packing caused the damage.


  • 没有但是父亲有一次洪水损坏实际发生了车的第二天。

    No, but my father's car was destroyed in a flood once. It actually happened the day after he bought the car!


  • 由于流式风机电动机轴承承受较大轴向负荷径向负荷,实际使用过程中常发生电动机轴承损坏现象。

    Due to the strong axial and radial load to the bearing of electromotor in counter-rotating axial fan, it is always occurred that the bearing was damaged in use.


  • 我们实际可以选择哪些演员哪些系统所以我们目的确保损坏桌子不会使尸体消失,当然这只是一个例子

    We can actually choose which actors use which system, so our intent is to make sure that a destroyed table won't make a corpse disappear, for instance.


  • 实际应用中钻机齿圆锥齿轮损坏

    But in actual applications, spiral bevel gears on RIGS are often damaged.


  • 刮刀齿不能过度损坏上述粘胶用量指刮刀崭新情况下用量,涂现场实际为准。

    The teeth of blade can not been excessive damaged. The above usage of glue depends on the teeth quality. Amount of glue based on actual site condition.


  • 实际虽然不是经常做,损坏恰恰发生定期已计划备份之前

    Realistically, though, this does not always happen, and corruption can, of course, occur right before your regularly scheduled backup.


  • 简单分析引风机轴瓦工作表面磨损原因处理方法,实际应用损坏巴氏合金轴瓦经过焊接修复后,使用效果良好

    Analyze the cause and treatment of worn working surface of bearing pads for induced draft fan, after welding repair, the broken babbit alloy bearing pads in actual application has good usage effect.


  • 然后,结合实际振动规律进行应用,研究减小深井钻具损坏优化钻具设计提供了理论依据。

    Then, the vibration law is applied in the field. The study provides the theoretical ground for deep Wells to reduce the drilling string failure and optimize the drilling string design.


  • 去除样品全部水分又不损坏产品实际不可能的。

    It is practically impossible to remove all the moisture from a sample without deterioration of the product.


  • 要是我们还有足够自信这个系统放到各个实际服务器而不管会不会对服务器造成损坏实在负责

    The second round is now the Beta test. It wouldn't be responsible of us to put those systems in place on the live servers without a certain degree of confidence that we were not hurting the service.


  • 实际大多数油井套管损坏非均匀载荷引起的。

    In fact, most of casings are collapsed by non-uniform loading.


  • 实际保管不当阀门损坏重要原因之一。

    In fact, improper Forged Steel Valves storage is a major reason for valve damage.


  • 如被保险人在境外旅行期间,其随身行李意外遭受抢劫盗窃意外事故或其他第三责任损坏遗失我们赔偿行李实际价值修复费用较低者

    We will pay the Insured Person loss of Baggage due to theft, robbery, accident or third party's liability according the lower between actual value and maintenance fare during oversea travel.


  • 因为实际生活中服务器经过时间的工作,总是出现损坏的情况的。

    Because in the reality, the server will have a breakdown after it have worked a certain time.


  • 实际我们或许已经修复损坏,修复地更好

    Actually we probably could fix damage better than we do already.


  • 这种损坏可能实际破坏发生之后任何时间表现出来,有可能在多小时甚至未来很多天后

    The corruption can manifest itself at any time after the actual damage occurs, even hours or days in the future.


  • 结果显示一些住宅表层装修损坏,安全指标相当振动标准根据实际建筑物的情况慎重选取。

    The results show that the threshold of cosmetic damage in homes can be rather low in some area and vibration limits should be determine…


  • 实际情况下这些文件很少这样重要他们不能轻易重建-损坏一般也不会造成严重损失

    In practice, few of these files are so valuable that they cannot be readily recreatedaggravation perhaps, but usually no serious loss.


  • 根据产品实际用途均匀地施加适当负载握住手柄摇晃产品一分钟。测试之后,产品应当有结构性损坏丧失功能性

    Load uniformly distributed over product with product mounted as intended. Hold the handle and wobble the product for 1minitue. No evidence of structural damage or loss in serviceability after test.


  • 文章介绍了它们连接原理、材质技术参数分析了它们实际应用中可能导致损坏原因

    The paper give their eletricity connection rules, the suitable material and technique parameter and the possible reason of damage


  • 实际全损货物到达目的灭失损坏或已全无价值。港时已灭失或损坏或已全无价值。

    Actual total loss means the whole lot of the consignment has been lost or damaged or found valueless upon the arrival at the port of destination.


  • 研究人员英格兰医学日报》报道尽管这项技术目标为了降低侵略性、提高温和性,但是实际损坏静脉导致心脏病发作。

    Although the technique is meant to be less invasive and gentler, it may in fact damage the vein and lead to heart attacks, the researchers reported in the New England Journal of Medicine.


  • 研究人员英格兰医学日报》报道尽管这项技术目标为了降低侵略性、提高温和性,但是实际损坏静脉导致心脏病发作。

    Although the technique is meant to be less invasive and gentler, it may in fact damage the vein and lead to heart attacks, the researchers reported in the New England Journal of Medicine.


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