• 来吧尽情地玩,玩个痛快

    Come on, enjoy yourself, let yourself go!


  • 希望尽情享受自己光荣时刻

    She wanted to enjoy her moment of glory.


  • 大学里尽情地玩,玩乐优先于学习。

    Have as much fun as possible at college, but don't let it take precedence over work.


  • 工作尽情享受着丰富多彩的生活

    He had a good job, plenty of money and he was enjoying life in the fast lane.


  • 这场我们尽情欣赏结束了

    The play was over before we could fully enjoy it.


  • 可以尽情享受植物成长

    You can enjoy the growth of your plants.


  • 每当使用时,尽情享受。

    Whenever you use it, enjoy it.


  • 这场我们没有尽情欣赏就结束了

    The play was over before we would fully enjoy it.


  • 尽情享受所有辉煌

    I will enjoy to the full all my splendor!


  • 倒入玻璃杯中,然后尽情享受

    Pour it into a glass and enjoy it.


  • 女孩尽情地吃喝着。

    The little girl ate and drank with the greatest enjoyment.


  • 尽情享受年终假期

    Please enjoy your holiday seasons.


  • 他们带到愚人国,他们尽情享受玩乐。

    He took them with him to the Land of Toys and let them enjoy themselves to their heart's content.


  • 我们站在那儿尽情欣赏景色。

    We just stood there drinking in the scenery.


  • 尽情享受次长时间水浴

    I indulged myself with a long hot bath.


  • 吉他的音量调到最大,尽情玩。

    Turn the guitars up full and let it rip.


  • 是个尽情享受生活乐趣

    He was a guy who enjoyed life to the full.


  • 跳舞放开了健身那样尽情

    The dancing is uninhibited and as frenzied as an aerobics class.


  • 站着尽情欣赏着那片景色

    She stood feasting her eyes on the view.


  • 没有理由不让偶尔尽情玩乐一下的。

    There is no reason why you couldn't live it up once in a while.


  • 他们吃饭喝酒游泳尽情欢乐。

    They come to eat and drink, to swim, to party.


  • 烛台公园看台人们尽情欢呼

    The people in the stands at Candlestick Park are standing and cheering with all their might.


  • 完全赞成人们尽情享乐

    I'm all for people having fun.


  • 这种清爽怡人古龙香水可以尽情喷洒

    This delightfully refreshing cologne can be splashed on liberally.


  • 这笔遗产使能够尽情投入热爱艺术

    The inheritance enabled him to indulge his passion for art.


  • 尽情地享受她女儿成功带给荣耀

    She basked in the reflected glory of her daughter's success.


  • 高兴能够尽情地享用最喜欢菜肴

    I was delighted to be able to eat my favourite dishes to my heart's content.


  • 我们尽情玩了一晚上

    We jolled all night.


  • 拉尔夫那时正在尽情享受多年来第一次真正假期

    Ralph was luxuriating in the first real holiday he'd had in years.


  • 要你喜欢,你可以在当地尽情游览。

    You can spend as long as you like exploring the local area.


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