In fact, 80% of Spain's machine tools are from the Basque Country.
The purpose of the bombing of Guernica was to terrorize and intimidate the Basque population.
However, the generally overlooked Basque Country is well worth your time.
Eta considers that the international conference that has recently taken place in the Basque country is an initiative of enormous significance.
In the Basque country the land all looks very rich and green and the houses and villages look well-off and clean.
ETA's arms, hidden in France and the Basque country, must inevitably be given up, says Brian Currin, a South African lawyer.
Researcher Carlos Gonzalez has been working on an electrochromic false nail at the Cidetec research centre in Spain's Basque country.
A new study from Spain's University of the Basque Country says it doesn't matter whether cosmetics actually do the things they claim to do.
While many believe it originated among the Basques12, it in fact, likely came from bearn, a region in Southwest France.
During 2003 and 2004, for example, 432 farm animals were attacked in 154 incidents in Spain's Basque country.
在我当地的奶酪商店,一种用巴斯克羊奶制成味道愉悦的艾特奇干酪来自法国巴斯克地区,提醒一下,不是西班牙的- - - - -什么!你居然不知道法国巴斯克奶酪?
At my local cheese shop, the Etorki, a delightful Basque sheep's milk cheese from France's Basque region, mind you, not Spain 's-what, you don't know about France's Basque cheeses?
The Socialists are left in control of just Extremadura and two regions that did not vote—Andalusia and the Basque country.
The Socialists are left in control of just Extremadura and two regions that did not vote—Andalusia and the Basque country.