Moreover, Catalan and Spanish are very similar syntactically, while Basque and Spanish are highly dissimilar in this respect.
Do they use the same mechanisms for processing word order as do native Basque speakers who have subsequently learnt Spanish?
As regards phonology, the reverse is the case, Spanish differs more from Catalan than it does from Basque.
According to the terminology of linguistic typology, Basque is a SOV (subject-object-verb) language, and Spanish or English are, on the other hand, SVO type.
"Basque has a free order of words, but something we linguists call neutral or canonical order exists, i.e. that which requires less effort from the brain", she explained.
In Europe only Basque, Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, Turkish, and a few languages of Russia are not of this family; the others have apparently all descended from an original parent tongue.
有趣的是,欧洲的两个非印欧语系的语族——芬兰-乌戈尔语[Finno - Ugric](匈牙利语、芬兰语和爱沙尼亚语)和巴斯克语[Basque]却根本没有“语法性别”。
Interestingly, the two non-Indo-European language groups of europe-finno-ugric (Hungarian, Finnish, and Estonian) and basque-have no grammatical genders.
有趣的是,欧洲的两个非印欧语系的语族——芬兰-乌戈尔语[Finno - Ugric](匈牙利语、芬兰语和爱沙尼亚语)和巴斯克语[Basque]却根本没有“语法性别”。
Interestingly, the two non-Indo-European language groups of europe-finno-ugric (Hungarian, Finnish, and Estonian) and basque-have no grammatical genders.