If it moves a lot — either way from the mean — then this number squared is a big number.
I thought of you sometimes as I raised my boys, perfect squares in their rational world.
To paraphrase Metcalfe's findings, the usefulness of a network is the square of the number of users connected to it.
All of this, like any bit of real estate, is obtained on a long-term loan, based on the number of square feet in the facility.
So, the number of nuclei, 119 if we were to sit and count these as well, is 119. So, we'll multiply that by just pi, r squared, to get that cross-section, and divide all of that by 1 .
首先,获取数的范围是从1到目标数的平方根加 1(确保能取到所有因子)。
First, I take the range of numbers from 1 to the target number's square root plus 1 (to make sure I catch all the factors).
It weights big deviations a lot because the square of a big number is really big.
Hence, the number of unique connections is proportional to the square of the number of nodes.
Since both negative and positive Numbers, when multiplied by themselves, give positive answers, such Numbers were labelled "imaginary", and regarded by many as meaningless.
If you can harvest factors in pairs, you need only check factors up to the square root of the target number.
For example, if the target number is 16, the whole-number root of 4 would end up on the list of factors twice.
Filter all of the target number's factors from 1 to the square root of the number.
And obviously, when I get to something whose square is equal to x, I've got the answer I want, and I kick it out.
He can instantly calculate the square footage of any property.
Water contents of stratiform cloud vary greatly, and have close positive relationship with particle number concentration.
An older unit, the lumen per square foot, or foot-candle, has become obsolete.
上位效应平方和占总产仔数和活产仔数总遗传变异平方和的比例分别为6 3%和6 5 % ,可见上位效应对窝产仔数群体间遗传差异作用不大。
Epistatic component accounted for 6 3% for the total number born, and 6 5% for the number born alive, which showed that epistatic effect was not important in the genetic variation between populations.
How to check if a number is not within 50 decimal places of square root of two?
We can raise any number to the fourth power by squaring it twice.
It is indicated by the research that making up driving matrix of MLA-LCD by Orthogonal Block Circulant matrix can make the design scale down from square of matrix dimension to matrix dimension.
Number of positive neurons of unit area refers to the positive neuron counts in each square millimeter.
Prove that no number in the sequence 11,111,1111,11111, ……is the square of an integer.
The optional polynomial order is selected through the test of the partial fitting square sum on the basis of the variance analysis of the fitting equation.
For the general case, optimal algorithms are presented respectively for minimizing the sum of quadratic completion times and the number of tardy jobs.
The Yellow Mountain, located in An Hui Province and covering an area of about twenty squre kilometers, is a world-known scenic spot with numerous tourists annually.
The Yellow Mountain, located in An Hui Province and covering an area of about twenty squre kilometers, is a world-known scenic spot with numerous tourists annually.