The millimeter-wave PSA spectrum analyzer with up to 80 MHz analysis bandwidth is available now.
A new robotic micromilling device developed at the University of Saskatchewan can harvest 20,000 slices per millimeter of material.
These sections are dissected, using a laser, into slices a millimetre or less thick, and then scanned again, either with the micro-CT or with a scanning electron microscope.
The implant consists of a tiny panel, 3 by 3.1 mm in size, containing a 38 by 40 array of 1,500 light-sensitive microphotodiodes.
Micro-hollow cathode discharge (MHCD) is a newly advanced micro-discharge technique based on ordinary cathode discharge in a sub-millimeter scale micro-hollow under high pressure.
Micro-hollow cathode discharge (MHCD) is a newly advanced micro-discharge technique based on ordinary cathode discharge in a sub-millimeter level micro-hollow under high pressure.
Leaves 15 - 20, ovate to obovate or oblanceolate, acute or obtuse, 6 x 2.7 cm, to 3 mm thick, dark olive green tinged purple, with transverse and longitudinal markings.
An improved perturbation procedure is used for analysing the radiation characteristics of the millimeter wave dielectric leaky wave grating antenna.
Petals white or whitish green, densely purple-brown punctate or not, obovate-oblong, ca. 7 mm, margin densely erose or shortly fimbriate, apex emarginate.
The characteristics of the omni-directional periodic circular dielectric rod leaky-wave antenna are analyzed by the improved perturbation method.
This Fisheye attachment screws onto the filter adapter tube via a 52mm filter thread and works very well with the included 12.5x Macro Lens attachment allowing superior close-up photography.
A technique invented by Weitz and his colleagues produces equal-sized droplets of liquid crystal, each about a dozen microns across (a micron is one thousandth of a millimeter).
A technique invented by Weitz and his colleagues produces equal-sized droplets of liquid crystal, each about a dozen microns across (a micron is one thousandth of a millimeter).