• 无家可归人数急剧增加

    The number of homeless people has increased dramatically.


  • 收成不好导致物价急剧上涨

    The poor harvest caused prices to rise sharply.


  • 零售业销售额急剧下降。

    The retail trade is witnessing a sharp fall in sales.


  • 他们前面山谷路旁急剧倾斜而下。

    In front of them the valley dropped sharply away from the road.


  • 经济增长方面一直存在急剧减速

    There has been a sharp slowdown in economic growth.


  • 近年失业率急剧上升。

    Unemployment has risen sharply in recent years.


  • 健康状况急剧恶化不久便去世了。

    Her health deteriorated rapidly, and she died shortly afterwards.


  • 私营经济支出急剧地攀升导致经济过热

    The private sector is increasing its spending so sharply that the economy is overheating.


  • 来自大西洋彼岸的游客数量急剧减少。

    Tourist numbers from across the pond have dropped dramatically.


  • 一夜之间流通货币供应急剧减少了

    The supply of money in circulation was drastically reduced overnight.


  • 时速超过50英里时重伤机率急剧上升

    At speeds above 50 mph, serious injuries dramatically increase.


  • 病情突然急剧恶化

    Her condition took a sharp turn for the worse.


  • 通货膨胀急剧上升

    There's been a sharp rise in the rate of inflation.


  • 预计房价急剧上涨

    House prices are expected to rise sharply.


  • 生活费用急剧上涨。

    The cost of living has risen sharply.


  • 健康状况急剧衰退,此后再未离开

    Her health declined rapidly and latterly she never left the house.


  • 失业人数急剧增长

    There has been a sharp rise in the number of people out of work.


  • 犯罪率急剧上升似乎肯定了街上增加巡警论点

    The sharp increase in crime seems to buttress the argument for more police officers on the street.


  • 产量急剧下降

    Output has been drastically reduced.


  • 东京盘交易美元日元的汇率急剧下跌

    In early trading in Tokyo, the dollar fell sharply against the yen.


  • 蓝筹股急剧上涨,其他上市股票收盘时实际上均有小幅下跌。

    Blue chip issues were sharply higher, but the rest of the market actually declined slightly by the end of the day.


  • 飞行安全自从20世纪70年代急剧发展以来还没有得到改善

    Air safety has not improved since the dramatic advances of the 1970s.


  • 一位医生图表记录的方式,说明道路建成当地儿童哮喘发病率急剧上升

    One doctor has charted a dramatic rise in local childhood asthma since the road was built.


  • 这些岛民肝癌发病率急剧上升

    The rate of liver cancers among those islanders increased sharply.


  • 这种变化就是城市化急剧加速

    That change is the rapid acceleration of urbanization.


  • 印度国际收支赤字急剧增加

    There has been a sharp increase in Indian's balance of payment deficit.


  • 印度国际收支赤字急剧增加

    There's been a sharp increase in Indian's balance of payment deficit.


  • 患上抑郁症人数高一急剧增加

    The number of people experiencing depression shows a sharp increase in the first year of high school.


  • 便宜眼镜需求急剧上升

    The demand for more affordable glasses rose drastically.


  • 海星消失后物种多样性急剧下降。

    When sea stars are removed, species diversity falls sharply.


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