• 上个月军队情报部门开了小差

    He deserted from army intelligence last month.


  • 二战女性被征募情报

    Before World War II, women were not recruited as intelligence officers.


  • 他们试图取得这个情报拒。

    They were denied access to the information.


  • 不时传送机密情报

    From time to time he passed on confidential information to him.


  • 不住酷刑被迫他们供出情报

    He was tortured into giving them the information.


  • 情报敏感,务必保密

    Confidentiality is important because of the sensitivity of the information.


  • 情报归为绝密类别。

    This information has been classified top secret.


  • 为什么军事情报如此缺乏

    Why was military intelligence so lacking?


  • 官员们重要情报传达他们上司

    Officials failed to pass vital information to their superiors.


  • 他们无法得到这个情报

    Access to the information was denied to them.


  • 我们得到的情报警察不久就要逮捕人了。

    Our information is that the police will shortly make an arrest.


  • 反复提供虚假情报的人应为行为而受到追究。

    Individuals who repeatedly provide false information should be called to account for their actions.


  • 如果无法传送出去,知道该拿情报怎么办

    I do not know what to do with the information if I cannot pass it on.


  • 其中一名被告获得了从轻发落,因其承认了未国会提供情报罪行

    One of the accused got off lightly in exchange for pleading guilty to withholding information from Congress.


  • 该国需要一个强大的情报机构反击间谍恐怖主义以及外国极端分子

    He said the country needed a strong intelligence service to counter espionage, terrorism, and foreign extremists.


  • 美国政府专家们检查了每一,用黑色涂掉任何可能外国情报专家利用信息

    U.S. government specialists went through each page, blacking out any information a foreign intelligence expert could use.


  • 情报用作讨价还价的筹码。

    Use information as a bargaining chip too.


  • 知道不能机密情报透露给

    You know I can't give your confidential information.


  • 提供这个情报供记录在案

    I'm giving you this information for the record.


  • 克服困难到达伦敦情报取回来

    You have to hurdle to London and get the intelligence back.


  • 贝塞斯达一家私人情报机构一些中情局特工准备的。

    It had been prepared by some ex-CIA agents in a private intelligence outfit in Bethesda.


  • 间谍称之为开源情报随着网络发展影响力越来越大。

    The spooks call it "open-source intelligence," and as the Net grows, it is becoming increasingly influential.


  • 随着对斯考维尔故事进一步研究,我还发现了情报工作之外更多有趣的东西。

    As I researched Scovell's story I found more of interest besides his intelligence work.


  • 拿破仑战争时期,可能许多间谍情报军官但是通常找到他们实际提供或者工作材料

    There may have been many spies and intelligence officers during the Napoleonic Wars, but it is usually extremely difficult to find the material they actually provided or worked on.


  • 这次采访受到限制,尽管这本可以满足好奇心情报渴望,但仍许多无法从窥视的门道。

    The interview was controlled too, and there were doors I could not peek behind, though it would have satisfied my curiosity and hunger for information.


  • 军事情报们声称今天没有飞机击落

    Military briefers say no planes were shot down today.


  • 中央情报当然保护自己特工人员

    Naturally the CIA wants to protect its operatives.


  • 被美国中央情报盘问之后巴西里约

    He went to Rio after the CIA had debriefed him.


  • 可以称之为研究,可产业情报刺探

    She may call it research; I call it industrial espionage.


  • 国会通过了国家安全法案》,中央情报局由此诞生

    Congress passed the National Security Act, and the CIA was born.


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