University of Utah School of Medicine researchers have developed a new tool that facilitates diagnosis of anemia related to chronic illness, as well as diseases of iron overload.
Anemia of chronic disease is an anemia characterized by reduced serum iron concentrations, total iron binding capacity, whereas iron stores are increased.
Objective To explore the value of differential diagnosis on iron-deficiency anemia and chromic diseases anemia with marrow iron-stain.
Conclusion Marrow iron-stain is one of simple and safe methods of differential diagnosis on iron-deficiency anemia and chromic diseases anemia.
Method Some patients with iron-deficiency anemia and chronic disease anemia were selected and the level of iron in cells and out of cells by marrow iron-stain detected.
Method Some patients with iron-deficiency anemia and chronic disease anemia were selected and the level of iron in cells and out of cells by marrow iron-stain detected.