• 既然战争结束他们希望一切都恢复常态。

    They are hoping for a return to normality now that the war is over.


  • 有没有使女儿明白,现在战争结束美国会西西里岛上那个充满粪便的村庄?

    Have you given my daughter a little package to remember you by now that the war is over and you know America will kick your ass back to your village full of shit in Sicily?


  • 他们一直生活我们中间。战争结束了世界拯救了,他们回到家乡和平国度里四散开来

    They walked among us for a very long time; the war ended, the world was saved, and they came home and blended into a nation at peace, and often there was no way for us to ever know.


  • 1802对于纳来说令人兴奋的年。拿破仑欧洲战争结束这意味着透纳可以第一出国旅游,到法国瑞士游山玩水

    1802 was an exciting year for Turner, a long end of Napoleon into the wars in Europe meant he could travel abroad for the first time and see the landscapes of France and Switzerland.


  • 战争结束了实在太高兴再加上了点酒,”乔治解释说,“所以一看到名护士,我就抱住了,吻了下去。”

    "The excitement of the war being over, plus I had a few drinks, " George explains. " … So when I saw the nurse, I grabbed her, and I kissed her.


  • 战争结束了钢琴家坐在金碧辉煌的音乐厅中演奏战争开始时他没能演奏完钢琴曲。在苦难记忆的伴随下,人们继续走向新的生活

    The war had ended, the pianist played the piano music which was cut off by the war. With all the misery they had endured , people moved toward to new lives.


  • 战争结束母亲孩子们看着当年参军去战场那些同村的人们正在一个一个的回来,他们眼巴巴的盼望着自己的亲人也该回家了!

    The war is over. A mother and her children, with a stare at the returning villagers who joined the war, are wishing their beloved will come back soon.


  • 1967年,马尔萨斯人口论者,保罗·埃利希在文章中提到,“养活全人类战争结束了…二十世纪七十年代八十年代,会有数亿饥荒死亡。”

    In 1967 Paul Ehrlich, a Malthusian, wrote that "the battle to feed all of humanity is over... In the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death."


  • 战争彻底结束了

    The war is well and truly over.


  • 战争结束人们终于可以欢欣鼓舞了。

    When the war ended, people finally had cause to rejoice.


  • 战争终于结束

    The war was finally at an end.


  • 战争边境之前结束了

    The war was over before he was sent to the frontier.


  • 任何关于这次演讲结束这次战争希望很快就破灭了。

    Any hope that the speech would end the war was short-lived.


  • 鹰派鸽派都已详述了他们结束战争条件

    Both hawks and doves have expanded their conditions for ending the war.


  • 然而大多数工作母亲战争结束离开工作岗位期望实现了一部分

    However, the expectation that most employed mothers would leave their jobs at the end of the war was only partly fulfilled.


  • 终结篇写的是1848年美国,也是美国墨西哥颇具争议战争签订条约结束。墨西哥放弃现在美国西南部领土

    Howe's book finishes in 1848, when a treaty ended the controversial war between the United States and Mexico, and Mexico ceded the territory that is today the southwestern United States.


  • 布朗下议院讲话时说,既然英国伊拉克军事任务已经结束,现在是对战争进行彻底调查时候

    Speaking before the House of Commons, Mr. Brown said since British military operations in Iraq have ended, the time had come for a thorough inquiry into the war.


  • 实际上关于如何照顾战后受到创伤儿童以及如何带领他们走出创伤的激烈争论早在战争结束已经开始

    In fact, the intense debate about how to care for children and bring them whole out of the war's devastation was already underway before the end of hostilities.


  • 周二美利坚合众国结束伊拉克作战任务,在负责任地结束伊拉克战争上迈出重要一步

    On Tuesday, after more than seven years, the United States of America will end its combat mission in Iraq and take an important step forward in responsibly ending the Iraq war.


  • 符合拿破仑战争刚刚结束后英法两国关于建立崭新中立国家,而非一个引发欧洲动荡的不稳定源头的想法。

    And it suited Britain and France to have a new, neutral state rather than a source of instability that might, so soon after the Napoleonic wars, set off more turbulence in Europe.


  • 一直战争结束,私人摄影师Hugo Jaeger才一直装一个玻璃罐子里埋慕尼黑郊区照片取出,随后将这些照片卖给了美国《生活》杂志。

    He buried the images in glass jars on the outskirts of Munich towards the end of the war, fearing that they would be taken away from him.


  • 罗斯福夫人白宫开垦片菜园大约2000万美国人跟从领导战争结束,他们种植了全美40%的蔬菜

    Mrs Roosevelt planted a garden at the White House; some 20m Americans followed her lead, and by the end of the war grew 40% of the nation's vegetables.


  • 公元前600年和公元前150年间,凯尔特人部落来到到岛上8世纪末,古代北欧开始侵犯,1014 年布莱恩(Boru)国王击败丹麦结束了战争

    Celtic tribes arrived on the island between 600-150 B.C. Invasions by Norsemen that began in the late 8th century were finally ended when King Brian Boru defeated the Danes in 1014.


  • 利比亚内战可能结束了,也可能还没有——如果拿伊拉克作为指示器,显然利比亚内战结束——对于美国来说,无论如何,这场战争花费肯定继续上升

    The Libyan civil war may or may not be over—if Iraq is any indicator, it is far from overbut the cost of the war to the United States is sure to rise in any event.


  • 这令人想起了阿富汗伊拉克战争在那里美国干涉支持反派武装,而且最终结束了身陷两难境地复杂内战

    Shades of Afghanistan and Iraq, where the US intervened to support rebelling minorities and ended up stuck in the middle of maddeningly complex civil wars.


  • 虽然连威灵顿都承认这场战斗你一生见过最为接近的较量”,英国人赢了结束了多年战争

    Though, as Wellington conceded, the battle was "the nearest-run thing you ever saw in your life", the British won, ending many years of war against France.


  • 因俄罗斯格鲁吉亚之间战争,两关系降至苏联解体后的冰点,这项协议的签署反映了两国俄格战争结束之后努力重修旧“好”。

    The progress reflected an effort to re-establish ties a year after Russia’s war with Georgia left the relationship more strained than at any time since the fall of the Soviet Union.


  • 幕府统治(1603-1868)结束数百战争引领日本过上了大多数民族所憧憬的和平稳定的生活。

    The Tokugawa era (1603-1868) put an end to centuries of warfare, ushering in a longer period of peace and stability than most nations have ever enjoyed.


  • 这种盲目愤怒”的文明无知不觉停留在了“坠落无论如何也无法阻止的坠落,似乎从此不再未来,不再有和平了,即便战争结束之后。”

    Theblind rage” that our civilizations unknowingly harboredhurls down . . . whatever bars its way, as though there were to be no future and no peace after it is over.”


  • 这种盲目愤怒”的文明无知不觉停留在了“坠落无论如何也无法阻止的坠落,似乎从此不再未来,不再有和平了,即便战争结束之后。”

    Theblind rage” that our civilizations unknowingly harboredhurls down . . . whatever bars its way, as though there were to be no future and no peace after it is over.”


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