• 能否创建一流大学已成为战胜挑战关键

    Whether we can set up the top - grade university of world becomes the key to win the challenge.


  • 战胜挑战惟一方法就是一起努力经营

    And maybe the only way to beat the challenge is doing so with someone you love.


  • 具备哪些核心知识技能经验才能战胜挑战

    What critical knowledge, skills, and experience will be needed to meet these challenges?


  • 我们完全信心、有条件、有能力克服困难战胜挑战

    We are fully confident that we will overcome difficulties and challenges, and we have the conditions and ability to do so.


  • 企业面对更多挑战适应环境变化才能战胜挑战

    The enterprise facing more challenges, must adapt the environment change, can defeat the challenge.


  • 大学社会战胜挑战抓住机遇提供知识智慧支持

    The university should offer the support of knowledge and intelligence for the society to seize the chance and win the challenges.


  • 描述遇到的最大挑战如何战胜挑战的,对你的学业表现影响

    Describe your favorite academic subject and explain how it has influenced you.


  • 这家机构具有营利能力,而且他们为了战胜挑战而积极行动印象深刻。

    I am impressed with the profit-generating abilities of this franchise, and that they are acting aggressively to put their challenges behind them.


  • 远大的梦想为了实现这个梦想我能够克服恐惧战胜挑战并且过上自己生活

    I have a great dream, and in order to achieve this dream I must conquer the fears, overcome the challenges and finally lead to the life what I want to have.


  • 而能否解决好这些问题战胜挑战适应未来社会趋势确定未来产品设计风格重要依据。

    Whether the new product design style can solve the problem and conquer the challenge and fit the trend of the future society, is very important for us to establish it.


  • 但是如果自认为胜者,正在经历艰难挑战,那你必定可以走出自己条路成功战胜挑战

    Yet when you think of yourself as a winner who is experiencing some difficult challenges, you're sure to work your way successfully past those challenges.


  • 如果我们能保持这种精神,如果我们能互相支持、互相照顾铭记着我们一起那么知道,我们战胜挑战

    If we keep that spirit alive, if we support each other and look out for each other and remember that we're all in this together, then I know that we, too, will overcome the challenges of our time.


  • 不要挑战斗争身心疲惫,相反,要在接受挑战战胜挑战的过程中找到活力创造真正的价值。 。

    Don n't tire yourself out fighting against the challenges. Instead, find new energy by embracing1 those challenges and working through them to create real value.


  • 我们面临挑战时,我们通常会做出两个选择战胜或者我们认为挑战值得去麻烦一通而放弃战胜挑战

    When we are fared with a challenge, we usually have two choices. We can try to beat it off, or we can decide that the thing presenting the challenge isn't worth the trouble and call it quits.


  • 我们面临挑战时,我们通常会做出两个选择战胜或者我们认为挑战值得去麻烦一通而放弃战胜挑战

    When we are fared with a challenge, we usually have two choices. We can try to beat it off, or we can decide that the thing presenting the challenge is not worth the trouble and call it quits.


  • 不仅这个行业进行大量研究,还掌握了很多第一手资料,知道公司创立伊始需要面临挑战以及战胜挑战的方法。

    Not only have I studied and researched the industry a great deal, but I know firsthand the challenges new business owners face and how to overcome them.


  • 战胜领导地位挑战

    She beat off a challenge to her leadership.


  • 桑普拉斯以6比1、6比2和6比1战胜了卡尔-尤韦·斯蒂布,证明了挑战冠军头衔合理性

    Sampras beat Carl-Uwe Steeb by 6-1, 6-2, 6-1 to underline the legitimacy of his challenge for the title.


  • 昨晚这位世界冠军战胜挑战者。

    The world champion conquered yet another challenger last night.


  • 毫无疑问是个很高要求认为我们需要面对战胜真正挑战

    Undoubtedly, this is a tall order - but I see this as the real challenge we need to confront and overcome.


  • 我们信心、有条件、有能力战胜各种困难挑战

    We have the confidence, conditions and capabilities to overcome any difficulty or challenge.


  • 本文的目标就是概述这些原理帮助他们战胜这些挑战

    The goal of this article series is to outline principles that will help them overcome these challenges.


  • 战胜面临任何挑战力量

    I possess the power to overcome any challenges I face.


  • 夫妻通过交流学会公平打架关系讨论彼此期望值战胜这些挑战

    Couples can overcome these challenges by communicating, learning to fight fair, and discussing each other's expectations for the relationship.


  • 本地社区网络支持社区构建强度应对战胜本地挑战

    Local social networks support the community and build strength to face and overcome local challenges.


  • 能够战胜任何阻碍前进挑战

    I am able to overcome any challenges that come my way.


  • 知道印尼人民坚强不拔,决心战胜这个挑战,“奥巴马。”童年一部分时间雅加达度过。

    I know that the Indonesian people are strong and resilient and have the heart to overcome this challenge, "said Obama, who spent part of his childhood living in Jakarta."


  • 知道印尼人民坚强不拔,决心战胜这个挑战,“奥巴马。”童年一部分时间雅加达度过。

    I know that the Indonesian people are strong and resilient and have the heart to overcome this challenge, "said Obama, who spent part of his childhood living in Jakarta."


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