• 简单手腕动作就能使锋利的刀片迅速切碎大量药草

    Simple wrist-twist motion activates sharp blades that will quickly mince even large quantities of herbs.


  • 他们脖子躯体手腕动作幅度,脖子、躯体、手腕动作幅度的变化以及膝盖动作速度

    These were the size of movement of the neck, torso, left shoulder and wrist, the variability of movement size of the neck, torso and left wrist and the speed of movement of the right knee.


  • 然而提示一下爸爸飞蝇钓鱼喜欢的一种钓法,您可以说些您做的手腕动作站姿一些没有用的话什么的

    However, I would like to mention that fly fishing isn't all you've cracked it up to be, Dad. You can say what you want about wrist action and stance and blah, blah, blah...


  • 然而提示一下的,爸爸,钓鱼喜欢的一种钓法,您可以说些您手腕动作站姿一些没有用的话什么的。

    However, I would like to mention that fly fishing isn't all you've cracked it up to be, Dad.You can say what you want about wrist action and stance and blah, blah, blah...


  • 她猜想,这可能是因为人体解剖学上一些突然弯曲,也就是说手腕骨头配置拇指形状允许完美地完成这样一系列的动作

    It could be that some quirk of human anatomy - say, the way the wrist bones are configured or how the thumb is shaped - allows him to do that especially well.


  • 这些几个切割造成神经损伤以至于是手腕弯曲手指卷起就像是服务员背后小费这个动作

    The severing at these points causes nerve damage that makes the wrist flex and the fingers curl up in the manner of a waiter taking a backhanded tip.


  • 重复性动作比如打电话弯曲手腕打字或者使用鼠标

    Repetitive motions, such as using the phone, typing with bent wrists and using a mouse.


  • 可以通过阶段性的手腕抖,或者猛晃竿来实现这些动作

    You can do that by periodically snapping the rod tip with the wrist.


  • 如果每天重复这个简单动作,那么你就不会受到手腕综合症的困扰了。

    Carpal tunnel syndrome shouldn't catch up to you if you repeat this simple move every day.


  • 重复性动作比如打电话弯曲手腕打字或者使用鼠标

    Repetitive moti, such as using the phone, typing with bent wrists and using a mouse.


  • 检查手腕手指移动它们应该不参与背加力撒放动作背部菱形加力撒放源动力。

    Check for wrist or finger movement, there should be none with back tension. The rhomboid muscles in your back are the workers in this exercise.


  • 另一个动作描述橄榄球为例,前臂,微托你的手腕将橄榄球的放在你的手指之下

    Another description of the motion is to take a football and lay it in the palm of your hand. Cup and cock your wrist and put the seams of the football under your fingers.


  • 评估病人明显进展看来客观测量但是抱怨疼痛弱点时手腕进行了一些具体动作这个时候

    Assessment: patient has progressed markedly as seen by objective measurement; however, she complained pain and weakness in right wrist when performed some specific movements at this time.


  • 文中手腕的上下动作”、“手腕的左右动作手腕的上下和左右结合的综合动作三个方面论述钢琴演奏过程中手腕运动方向。

    This article discusses the wrist movement in piano playing from three aspects: up-down movement, left-right movement as well as the integrated movement.


  • 坐在桌子前从事电脑相关工作通常肩部手腕脖子眼睛产生一些慢性病痛,通常归咎于他们日常工作中经常重复动作

    People who sit at desks and work on computers with chronic pain in the shoulders, wrist, neck, and eyes, and they often result from the small, repetitive moti they do on the job every day.


  • 需要寻找手臂手腕部位合理动作姿势使之能够放松。

    You will need to find motions and positions of arms, wrists, etc. , that allow this;


  • 湿:指控制水中情况下用力射门一般都利用手腕快速动作射门。

    Wet shot: a shot attempted while the ball is controlled in the water, usually a quick wrist shot.


  • 起始动作前,另一只手手掌握住柔和向前弯曲手腕

    With one arm in the same starting position as above, curl the outstretched hand into the palm of the other hand, gently folding the wrist forward.


  • 身形人们应用本身形体动作停止寒暄、信息传达地主要手腕

    Body language is that people use their own body movements to communicate, an important means of information transmission.


  • 这种使用盘技巧甩动手腕动作和正手传盘一致但是传盘的手臂穿越身体飞盘上下颠置。

    It is thrown using the same grip and wrist flicking motion as a forehand but with the throwing arm across the body and the disc upside down.


  • 这个动作会发出一个信号激活转子然后他们可以旋转手腕转子下去

    This transmits a signal to activate the rotor, at which point they can start rotating their wrists to keep the rotor spinning.


  • 这个动作会发出一个信号激活转子然后他们可以旋转手腕转子下去

    This transmits a signal to activate the rotor, at which point they can start rotating their wrists to keep the rotor spinning.


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