• 材料增强压缩弹性拉伸弹性模量规律几乎一致

    The compression modulus of the reinforcing material showed the similar trend with the elastic modulus.


  • 结果表明光纤编入材料拉伸弹性和压缩弹性模量影响较小

    Results show that co-braided optical fibers have just a small quantity of effect on the elastic modulus of the braided composites.


  • 研究结果表明复合材料拉伸弹性模量增强增加而升高,断裂延伸率下降

    It is shown that the elastic modulus increases with volume fraction of ceramic particles, though the fracture strain decreases.


  • 测试塑木板材的拉伸强度弯曲强度、冲击强度、拉伸弹性、弯曲弹性模量等力学性能;

    The tensile strength, bending strength, impact strength, tensile modulus of elasticity and bending modulus of elasticity were determined.


  • 包含有编织复合材料拉伸弹性弯曲弹性模量进行试验研究理论分析

    Experimental and theoretical researches were undertaken on the elastic modulus in tension and bending of 3d braided composites containing axial yarns.


  • 文章介绍了一种利用普通的智能电子拉力试验机配以计算机计算塑料薄膜拉伸弹性模量方法

    This article introduces a method to determine the plastic membrane tensile modulus by using a normal mart electron tensile testing machine and computers.


  • 本发明提供拉伸弹性低、低温下弹性模量弹性回复性良好的聚氨酯树脂溶液制造方法

    Provided is a method for producing a polyurethane resin solution having a low tensile elasticity and a low elastic modulus and excellent elastic recovery under low temperatures.


  • 考察了静力拉伸弹性动态弹性模量差别,以及弹性模量该材料等温疲劳性能参数影响

    The difference between static elastic modulus and dynamic elastic modulus was investigated. The effects of elastic modulus on parameter of low cycle fatigue were studied also.


  • 拉伸弹性压缩弹性模量明显差异木质部属各向异性材料建立力学采用各向异性的本构关系

    There is a distinct difference between tensile and compressive modulus. Xylem is a kind of anisotropic material and modeling its mechanical model needs anisotropic constitutive relations.


  • 拉伸载荷等于比例极限弹性模量

    The tensile modulus approximately equal to the compressive modulus of elasticity within the proportional limit.


  • 测定低温聚氨酯泡沫塑料拉伸剪切压缩弹性模量泡沫密度方向以及温度关系

    Measurements have been made to determine the relation of the tension, the compression and the shearing of PUR foam at low temperature with its density, direction and temperature.


  • 随着物中弹性分数增加,共混物拉伸强度弹性模量降低,扯断伸长率增大

    With the increase of elastomer content, the tensile strength and elastic modulus of the blends decreased, while the elongation at break increased.


  • 结果得出对照组实验组动物肘关节神经拉伸最大载荷最大应力,最大应变弹性模量数据

    Results We got out the data of stretch ultimate load, maximum stress, maximum strain, elastic modulus on elbow joint ulnar nerve between control group and experimental group.


  • 通过湿热老化试验研究了APMOC纤维吸湿性能拉伸强度断裂延长率以及弹性随老化时间变化

    The changes of moisture absorption properties, tensile strength, fracture elongation and elastic modulus of APMOC fiber with aging time were investigated through the hygrothermal aging test.


  • 到目前为止通过拉伸压缩弯曲试验测得了木材弹性

    So far, we have found that the static elastic modulus of wood can only be measured through the experiments of tension, compression and bending.


  • 提出了获取脆性材料动态拉伸强度弹性实验步骤相关记录数据分析方法

    An experimental procedure and accompanying method for analyzing recorded data for deriving dynamic tensile strength and elastic modulus of brittle material is presented.


  • 弹性时变性,与拉伸时间倒数关系

    The mathematial model of elasticity modulus expressed a reciprocal relationship to time.


  • 采用原子镶嵌势描述原子间作用,得到单晶薄膜弹性,分析了拉伸过程系统原子、应力变化外荷载关系。

    The evolvement of atomic energy and arrangement of atoms in the model, the initiation and expansion of damage and the elastic modulus of monocrystalline nickel were obtained.


  • 本文瓦楞纸拉伸压缩性能弹性测定作了实验分析

    An experimental analysis of the tensile and compressive properties and the measurement of the in-plane elastic moduli of corrugated boards is presented in this paper.


  • 通过以上两种不同方法论文分别阐述拉伸破坏实验压缩破坏实验以及电法测定材料弹性模量泊松的仿真软件设计与开发的方法。

    Through the two different methods, this paper discusses how to develop the experimental simulation software: tensile test, compressive test, strain measurement of Young modulus and Poisson ratio.


  • 测试不同玻纤布制成玻璃钢拉伸强度弹性模量

    The tensile strength and elastic modulus of glass fiber reinforced plastic(GFRP), which was made by different layers of glass fiber fabric, were tested and analyzed.


  • 提出修正后金属体积分数理论准确预测了材料的弹性模量屈服应力拉伸强度

    A modified theory of metal volume fraction is put forward to precisely predict tensile properties including elastic modulus, yield stress and tensile strength.


  • 试验结果表明可以一次有效载荷-位移记录中同时确定脆性岩石弹性模量拉伸强度断裂度。

    The experimental results show that the elastic modulus, tensile strength and fracture toughness of brittle rocks can be determined from a valid load-displacement record.


  • 拉伸弯曲方法测定弹性模量得到的结果不同,用小试件测定弹性模量得到的结果不一致。

    Its test results are different between tension and bending test methods, as well as between small-specimen and large panel.


  • 结果表明:未改性的纳米碳酸钙显著提高复合材料弹性模量断裂伸长率冲击强度复合材料的拉伸强度有所降低。

    The results showed that unmodified nano-CaCO_3 had important effect on the improvement of the elastic modular, elongation at break and impact strength of PTFE. But the tensile strength was decreased.


  • 多次重复拉伸使其弹性降低呈现非线性变化趋势。

    Multiple tensions lowed down the elastic modulus of the alloy and exhibited a non-linear relationship with strain.


  • 通过测试环向拉伸强度,双向自增强PEX管材拉伸强度最高可达到32.29%,弹性最大可提高13.06%,断裂伸长率平均减小5.88%。

    The result reveals that the biaxial oriented PEX pipe can increase the tensile strength by 32.29% at most, while the modulus of elasticity increasing 13.06% and the elongation at break reducing 5.88%.


  • 通过使用本实验室设计低温拉伸夹具测定纳米二氧化硅改性环氧树脂复合材料室温液氮(77K)环境下的拉伸强度弹性模量和延伸率。

    Measurement of tensile strength , modulus and strain of nanometer SiO2/epoxy composite materials was conducted using self-designed tensile testing jigs at room temperature and 77K.


  • 通过使用本实验室设计低温拉伸夹具测定纳米二氧化硅改性环氧树脂复合材料室温液氮(77K)环境下的拉伸强度弹性模量和延伸率。

    Measurement of tensile strength , modulus and strain of nanometer SiO2/epoxy composite materials was conducted using self-designed tensile testing jigs at room temperature and 77K.


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